NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Car Parking Policy Presentation to the Review of Hospital Car Parking 25 th October 2007
Why a New Car Parking Policy? No controls – first come, first served Patients, visitors and staff using vehicles for duties unable to park Spaces tied up all day by staff and others not moving offsite Car parks not compliant with national/local authority ‘green’ requirements Poor layouts and site conditions Not meeting DDA responsibilities
Question: Why do we have hospital car parks? Access for patients Access for visitors Access for essential services Access for staff undertaking essential duties Conclusion: Prior to 2007, our car parks were not fulfilling these criteria
History Draft policy May 2004 Formal consultation ends November responses/submissions Policy approved February 2005 Steering Group (inc. staff and patient stakeholders) formed to flesh out operational procedures Overarching staffside representation from NHSGGC Partnership Forum with coverage from patient representatives, Trade Unions and professional bodies
Consultation Responses Agreement that the issue needs to be dealt with - 21 Generally supportive/willing to pay albeit with certain conditions (i.e. guaranteed space/will be improved secure facilities/charges reasonable/”policed”) - 83 Welcome reduction in cars on road - 4 Opposed to proposals/charging - 68 Ambiguous/unclear whether support or oppose - 39
Outcome: Patients and Visitors Investment available for better layouts, lighting, security, CCTV and 24-hour management More disabled bays in better locations Free parking for disabled and regular patients Concessions for regular visitors and low income users Local discretion for ‘smart management’ Most patients and visitors pay no more than £1.00 or £1.50 Virtually no public complaints – messages of support from disability organisations
Staff Parking: Key Stats SiteDesignated Staff Spaces General Access Spaces Disabled Spaces Other Spaces Total Parking Spaces Staff CountRatio Gartnavel General ,2421:2 Gartnavel Royal :2 Victoria Infirmary ,8251:6 Western infirmary ,2771:5 Yorkhill hospitals ,8101:5 Southern General 1,2004,0171:3 Stobhill1,1001,3641:1 Inverclyde Royal 7761,9081:2 Royal Alexandra1,0502,8851:3 Vale of Leven3701,0681:3
Outcome: Staff Permit allocation Priority given to staff who need cars to perform duties Free permits for those whose car use is integral to duties Paid-for permits for others with less frequent use pegged to income level Guaranteed permit for disabled staff
Why Not Loosen Staff Permit Criteria? Evidence and verification of family circumstances and transport difficulties Sheer numbers involved Likely to increase numbers of vehicles parked on site all day Defeats primary purpose of policy: to provide access for patients, visitors and those performing vital duties
Known Demand ‘Phase 1’ Sites – August 2007 YorkhillWesternGartnavel GenVictoriaTotal Designated Spaces Phase 1 Designated Patient/ Visitor Parking Spaces Disabled Spaces Total Staff Permit Applications Rejected/ Unresolved ,319
Alternatives to the Car Partnership with agencies developing public transport infrastructure Green Travel Plans for new/developing sites Zonecard interest-free loans Car Sharing Scheme Bike loans Salary Sacrifice Scheme Use of parking income to develop alternatives An issue for all employers not just NHS
NHSGGC Review Agreed in implementing policy to review after implementation Process to start late November Widespread consultation –Staff –public Open channel for ideas and issues Small working group February 2008 Recommendations for change