CEDA Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting September 7, 2013 San Marcos, TX
IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team PositionNameAffiliation Has gone through online training ChairZhuo Vice ChairMagdy Abadir SecretaryCliff WebmasterNatarajan Viswanathan
IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Updates l Meeting location: South University Auditorium l Nine technical seminars so far this year l 2012 Workshop Story is published in SSCS Magazine l DAC is very successful in Austin l Co-sponsor SWDFT workshop collocated at DAC l March 8 Workshop: IEEE CTS CAS/SSC/CEDA Workshop: Texas Workshop on Integrated System Exploration (TexasWISE) l l Speakers from Stanford, MIT, Rice, and UT Dallas l Attendance: 98 l Manage Your Career -- Don't Get Blindsided by Reality: IEEE Workshop l New officer elections to be held in upcoming meeting
IEEE Central Texas Section DAC 2013 l Similar attendance as previous DAC at Bay Area l Thank all of you! l Brian Bailey remarked in EE Times, “There was a lot of speculation leading up to DAC about the effectiveness of holding the conference in Austin. … Now we have the official numbers and … DAC was a success by every measure you can think of” (B. Bailey, “DAC in Austin: Success or Failure,” EE Times, blog, 11 June 2013). l CEDA Newsletter l A primary reason for DAC’s success was the grassroots work of the IEEE Central Texas CEDA Chapter (led by Zhuo Li), the Design Automation Technical Committee (led by Chuck Alpert), and the IEEE Central Texas Sec-tion (led by Kenny Rice). … they formed the Austin Local Commit-tee, which made it their mission to bring new people to DAC from Central Texas. They worked tirelessly, promoting the Designer Track, helping form the Designed in Texas part of the program, and holding promotions at different to sign designers up for the DAC show. l 2,354 exhibitor-only attendees that showed up at DAC. l 60 percent of those at DAC were attending the conference for the first time. l So successful, and plan to form a local committee in Bay Area to promote 2014
IEEE Central Texas Section 2013 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 2/07TechnicalIEEE CTS CEDA/CAS/SSC Febrary Meeting: IOT (Internet of Things) for Smart cities � Applications of wireless sensor networks to numerous markets � smart energy, smart health, etc. Kwok Wu (Freescale) Yes 2/18ProfessionalEweek, IBM Austin Technical Vitality Council, Mobile – and its effect on the enterprise Greg TrutyYes 03/07TechnicalFrom Circuits to CancerSan NassifYes 03/08TechnicalTexasWise WorkshopYes 3/22ProfessionalIEEE CTS CEDA/CAS/SSC Joint Meeting: Life in Semiconductors and Technology: An Asian American Perspective (AAAFSA Distinguished Speaker Series) Lisa Su (AMD)Yes 5/23TechnicalIEEE CTS CEDA, CAS/SSC, COM/SP Austin, Education Society, TMC Austin, and WIE Joint May Meeting: Do you want to be the next IEEE-USA Congressional Fellow? Leslie Martinich (Competitive Focus) Yes
IEEE Central Texas Section 2013 Chapter Meetings DateTechnical/ Admin TopicSpeakerL31 06/06TechnicalSWDFT workshopYes 6/10TechnicalIEEE CTS CEDA/CAS/SSC June Meeting: Through-Silicon-Via Inductor based DC-DC Converters: The Marriage of the Princess and the Dragon Yiyu Shi of Missouri University of Science and Technology Yes 6/20TechnicalIEEE CTS ED/CEDA/CAS/SSC Joint June Meeting: IEEE Electronic Devices Society Distinguished Lecture: Integrated Nanotechnology for Sustainable Future and Smart Living Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Hussain (KAUST) Yes 8/21TechnicalStart-up 2013: It’s a Brave New World Out There Dave PanosYes 8/28TechnicalManage Your Career -- Don't Get Blindsided by Reality: an IEEE Workshop David Smith, CEO of HBMG, Inc. and Tommy Chiodo, M. Ed., LPC., Career Counselor Yes
IEEE Central Texas Section SWOT Analysis l Strengths l Year-old chapter with enthusiastic officers! l Weaknesses l Need more local speakers l Opportunities l Local chip design and EDA companies, UT Austin l Co-sponsor events with other chapters l Threats l Differentiate with other parent societies/chapters
IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks