Mission Statement “One Voice” unites Fresno County communities and regional interests in a voluntary and collaborative effort to seek federal and state funds annually for projects of regional significance. All projects chosen shall contribute to an improved quality of life throughout Fresno County.
Facts About Fresno County Fresno County is located in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, a rich agricultural area in the center of California. Population:920,000 (in 2006) the 10th most populous county in California, with 15 incorporated cities
Since 1955, Fresno County has ranked as the first or second leading agricultural-producing county in the U.S. Fresno County’s top crops are cotton, grapes, and poultry.Economy
Economy (cont.) Fresno County is home to 1.88 million acres of the world’s most productive farmland, with agricultural operations covering nearly half of the county’s entire land base of 3.84 million acres. Fresno Farmers raise more than 350 different crops, contributing more than $4.7 billion to the California economy and supporting 20 percent of all jobs in the Fresno area. Many of the county’s crops are not grown commercially anywhere else in the nation. Fresno County is home to 1.88 million acres of the world’s most productive farmland, with agricultural operations covering nearly half of the county’s entire land base of 3.84 million acres. Fresno Farmers raise more than 350 different crops, contributing more than $4.7 billion to the California economy and supporting 20 percent of all jobs in the Fresno area. Many of the county’s crops are not grown commercially anywhere else in the nation. Source: Fresno County Farm Bureau. Source: Fresno County Farm Bureau.
Fresno County’s population is increasing at a higher rate than both the state of California and the nation, growing nearly 80% from 515,000 to 920,000 between 1980 and 2006 (a 2.2% annual average). This trend is projected to continue into the foreseeable future. Source: Fresno COG, California Department of Finance, the U.S. Census Population Growth
21% of Fresno County’s residents live below the poverty level, compared to 13% in California and the U.S. Source: 2005 U.S. CensusPoverty
Ethnic Diversity 63% of Fresno County’s residents are minority (non-white), compared to 57% for California, and 33% for the U.S. Source: 2005 U.S. Census
Unemployment Fresno County’s unemployment rate is 11.8%, far higher than that of California at 7.0%, and the U.S. at 5.8%. Source: 2005 U.S. Census
“One Voice” 2007 Priority Projects
Thank you for your time and your efforts on our behalf. If you need further information please contact Tony Boren at Thank you for your time and your efforts on our behalf. If you need further information please contact Tony Boren at