Tech Days Tech Days Update 2 Jamal Gumbs Cory Thorpe Dwayne Wolfe Joe Papciak Daniel Cohen
Last Update As of the 3 weeks ago, we had... Schools divided No contacts made
Where are we now? Since the last update, we have... Contacted some of our target schools Contacted FSU tours Created call guidelines Created a flyer and a volunteer sign-up Gotten a confirmation from one school
A little about our confirmed school... Panama City Bay High AICE Program Contact: Marlene Morris 10 th and 11 th grade students Anywhere from students April 6 th or 7 th
Shameless Promotion... While we don't need you to join the army or anything drastic, we are in need of volunteers. It's an easy way to get the extra credit on your project...and we need the help...
Roles No specialized roles However, we do divide the work up. Each member of the group has schools to target.
Target Schools Jamal Live Oak Suwanee HS Madison County HS Taylor County HS Cory Panama City Bay HS Mosley HS Rutherford HS Arnold HS Joe Wewahitchka HS Liberty County HS West Gadsden HS Dwayne Tallahassee Lincoln HS SAIL HS Rickards HS Dan East Gadsden HS Jefferson County HS Port St. Joe HS
Meetings and Agendas
We have met 5 times. We usually meet Thursday nights on the 2 nd floor of Strozier at 6:30. Meetings consist of updating each other on the week's progress, seeing how we accomplished old business, and moving on to assigning new business.
Goals and Timelines Goals 150 kids At least 2 schools Timeline 3/16 or 3/ st Tech Days tour group Tours usually are more open on the Wednesday of that week, in this case, the 16 th. 4/6 or 4/7 - 2 nd Tech Days tour group Panama City Bay HS
Challenges and Communication Challenges We've been very lucky to have a great group. We've had no real challenges to overcome Communication Mainly by text message or . However, phone and Skype have also been used. Improvements could be made here by posting and checking more often on the Wikispace page.
Improve Leadership Role Jamal Team stays in a cohesive unit Cory Be sure not to micromanage as deadlines draw closer.
Group Coordination Guerrilla Marketing Manning the table in the hour no one else does. We welcome other groups, please approach us to help, and we can help man your events!