Introduction to Social Work: Health care, Chapter 10 Adapted from Farley, Smith, & Boyle SOW 3203
Health Care Social Work History Boston 1905 Massachusetts General Hospital Dr. Richard Cabot Recognized the need to understand more about social factors related to illness and its treatment Identified need for social and community resources in comprehensive patient care
Managed Care Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Act of 1973 One of the greatest changes in the delivery of health care services in the 1990s has been the growth of managed care programs
DEfinitions Definition of Social Work in Health Care Social work in health care settings is practiced in collaboration with medicine and slow with public health programs
Social Work in Health Care
Social work relates itself to the goals set by official health agencies, voluntary health agencies, rehabilitation centers, and medical care divisions of public welfare agencies Consideration is given to psychological factors in prevention of disability as well as in diagnosis and treatment
Social Work in Health Care Social workers in health care services use the problem-solving method in assisting individuals, groups, and communities in solving personal and family health problems at various levels of prevention: Primary – health education, encouraging immunizations, good mental health practice in families, prenatal and postnatal care Secondary – early screening program for detection of disease, checkups, encouraging treatment Tertiary or rehabilitation – preventing further deterioration of a disease or problem
Social Work in Health Care Medical social work is shaped and guided by the attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and acceptable ways of doing things by professionals serving in health care institutions and by the philosophy and practice of modern medicine Social work has coordinate, rather than subordinate or ancillary, role to medicine aand is responsible to the institution and the supporting public
The Meaning of Illness Components Medical Social Economic Spiritual Role of Social workers Look beyond organic factors Study and define illness cultural perspective environmental perspective Assist with the removal of barriers to health from these sources
Illness in Families Illness is always highly individual Illness often minimizes the usefulness of the individual to his or her family and loved ones
Social Work in Health Care Role of Social Work in Health Care Social Work in Hospitals Social Work and Illness with the Family Social Work in Public Health Community is a society of individuals that plans for the welfare of its members for mutual advantage