The Primary Care Home Dr Sanjiv Ahluwalia NAPC Executive.


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Presentation transcript:

The Primary Care Home Dr Sanjiv Ahluwalia NAPC Executive

We’re a leading national membership organisation covering healthcare and managerial professionals working within the four NHS Primary Care independent contractor services and also community provider services within UK. The NAPC identifies Primary Care as both a level in a health system (its form) and a strategy or philosophy for organising approaches to care (its function). We regard effective Primary Care as having four central features: The first point of contact for all new health needs; Person-centred (holistic), rather than disease-focused, continuous lifetime care; Comprehensive care provided for all needs that are common in a population; and Co-ordination and integration of care when a person’s need is sufficiently uncommon so to require special services or provision from another sector (secondary or tertiary care).

PCH Key features are: provision of care to a defined, registered population of between 30,000 and 50,000; aligned clinical financial drivers through a unified, capitated budget with appropriate shared risks and rewards an integrated workforce, with a strong focus on partnerships spanning primary, secondary and social care; and a combined focus on personalisation of care with improvements in population health outcomes. Drawing on the lessons learnt from previous models of clinical commissioning in England, including: GP fundholding and total purchasing Primary Care Groups Practice Based Commissioning GP federations Primary Medical Services (PMS) Plus contract Drawing on the learning and outcomes from medical groups and accountable care organisations in the United States Consultation with the NAPC’s wide membership Consultation with members of professional and industry bodies The PCH is a form of a multispecialty community provider model

The PCH and MCP model share some of the same goals: better outcomes for patients, at lower cost, based on greater integration between primary and secondary care. However, the PCH: Focuses efforts on the ‘make or buy’ decisions within care provision through the accountability of independently managing a capitated budget for a registered population of between 30,000 and 50,000; Can dismantle historical organisational boundaries with multi-disciplinary clinical and social care teams working collectively through networked arrangements; Will be based within modernised community healthcare premises, with access to diagnostics on site and a fully integrated IT system. What makes the PCH unique?

What are the key local relationships that need to be in place? Successful PCH rapid test sites will need to obtain the buy-in of other stakeholders. This will include, but is not limited to: CCGs, patient groups, GP practices, local authorities and providers, including acute, community and mental health trusts. What is the PCH workforce model? The PCH enables primary care, community health and social care professionals to work in partnership with specialists to provide out of hospital care. How will PCHs be supported and connected? Support by the NAPC and NHS Confederation with additional support and shared learning from the New Care Models Team. The workforce model should reflect the size and needs of the registered population, allowing opportunities to design and develop the roles of nursing, pharmacy and allied health professionals. The scale of the population for a PCH model is intended to drive a workforce model that ensures patients have a consistent and personalised experience of care.

How can I apply to be a PCH rapid test site? The programme will be delivered in three initial phases: Phase 1 now until Jan 2016 – start-up The NAPC will announce the launch of a community of interest for the PCH seeking expressions of interest. Phase 2 Jan – Mar 2016 – preparation Phase 3 Apr 2016 – Mar 2017 – shadow running Contact the NAPC primary-care-home What are the next steps in developing the PCH?

Thank you