Registered Nurse
Where do you work and what is your title ? - I work in the intensive care unit at the Health Sciences. - I am a BNRN ( bachelor of nursing registered nurse). - I started working at this job in May 2000.
How did you find this job ? - I was working in Calgary and really wanted to come home to Newfoundland, so I put in resumes to several hospitals in Newfoundland and got a job at the Health Sciences.
What nursing school did you attend ? - I attended Memorial University of Newfoundland. How long did you go to university? - I started MUN in Sept – Dec I graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing Degree.
Did you get a nursing job right after you graduated? -In May 1993, I worked casual ( on call ) at the Janeway. I had a student loan to pay, so I decided to move to the USA. -I moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I worked there from Aug – Aug I then moved to Panama City, Florida and worked there for a year. - I moved back to Canada in 1998 and worked in Calgary, Alberta until April 2000.
How was working in the USA different then in Canada ? -The nurse/patient ratio was higher. - you didn’t get breaks every shift. -You get paid better. -You get promoted faster – it didn’t go by seniority like in Canada. - no unions.
What skills do you use most often ? -Assessment skills – need to assess the patient to determine if his/her condition has changed. - Communication skills – must transfer information to doctors and families.
Did any courses in high school prepare you for this work ? -Biology – it was good to study the human body and all the systems. -Math – you have to calculate drug doses and drip rates.
What are the benefits of your job? -Working with a great group of kind and caring people. -Medical / dental benefits. -Sick days. -Family days. -Holidays. -Good salary. -Can go anywhere and work as a nurse.
What is your favorite part of your work ? - The satisfaction you get when you see someone recover from a very serious illness / accident. I know that, in some way, my knowledge and skills helped this person survive. Its very rewarding.
What are the most difficult part of your work ? -Seeing people suffer. Unfortunately not all outcomes are good, and at times its very sad and difficult. -Also, having to work holidays and special events is not good. I sometimes miss out on important family events.
Do you enjoy what you do ? - I do enjoy being a nurse. It’s a very rewarding and fulfilling job. It is hard work at times, but it has many benefits. We work as a team and there is always someone there to help you out. No one is left on their own. The money is good also.
What are the hours of your job ? -I work shift work. 12 hour shifts of days and nights. -I work 75 hours in a two-week period. -We do self scheduling in our unit, so the schedule I submit benefits me. There are guidelines to follow and it usually works out well for all.
What is the salary scale like for this job ? -the salary scale is very good until you reach the top and then you stay there until contract changes occur. -There are 6 steps. You go up a step each year. - no bonuses. -The pay is good. However, I think everyone should get some raise every year.
What was your very first job and how did it influence you ? -My first job was in the summer of I worked with the recreation committee in my hometown organizing and supervising kids t-ball and soccer teams. -I knew then that I didn’t want to be a teacher or daycare worker.
What influenced you on your job choice ? -Teachers – encouraged me to go to university. -Parents – encouraged me to follow my dreams. -My love for science and math took me to the medical field. -Independence – I wanted to make my own money and buy myself nice things. -Travel – I like to travel and nursing gave me that opportunity.
What are your future plans ? -Retirement – I have a few years left yet before I retire. I will stay in the nursing field but probably in a less intense area. I hope to work in a clinic or public health in a few years. -Its important to like what you do and I like nursing.
What advice would you give someone new in the workforce ? -Look, listen and learn. -Don’t be afraid to ask questions. We all were in your place at one time. -Be eager and willing to learn.
If you could chose, what else would you do ? - I probably would do accounting. Math was one of my favorite subjects in school.
If you could change anything about your career, what would it be and why ? - I chose this career because it satisfied my needs – money, independence and travel. I accomplished it all. Probably the only change I would make would have been to travel more before I moved back home.
Thank You !