Iowa Core Alignment Session 3 Implementation January 2011 Sue Updegraff Keystone AEA
Preparing for INITIAL Alignment First Pass by July 1,
Purpose: Enacted to Intended Independent Reflection One Course/Subject/Grade to one skill set = 90 minutes 3
Background Information for Teachers Multi-Pass Experiences with Essential Concepts/Skills Curriculum Terms Alignment Terms and Chart District Curriculum Framework/Schema 4
Outcome 4 of the PLAN “District leaders and teachers monitor and use data to increase the degree of alignment of each and every student’s enacted curriculum to the Iowa CORE (intended).” 5
Not evaluative or judgmental Collective effort needed 6
Future Passes Content depth o cognitive complexity o emphasis Assessment Instruction/Strategies Resources 7
First Pass Enacted (taught) to intended (Iowa CORE) Horizontal Topical Fine-grained 8
Process for First Pass 1. Review Background Information 2. Identify Skill Set(s) for Reflection 3. Identify Support Documents (enacted diary, lesson plan, etc.) 9
Process for First Pass 4. Basics of Coding determining extent of current agreement between enacted and intended (agreement vs. align) “Did I teach this?” document what actually happened, not what was “suppose” to happen no extra points for high agreement professionalism 10
Process for First Pass 5. Key Alignment Question What did students get the opportunity to learn during the school year? 11
Guidelines 1. Sameness one-to-one correspondence dig into each line of Iowa CORE explicitly covered 12
Guidelines 2. No squinting (thinking really hard) 3. Time limit (short) 4. Simple yes or no about whether students “had the opportunity to learn” 5. Follow “Cheat Sheet” 13
Tutorial and Demonstration 14
Engage in Coding 15
What Happens After First Pass? Collect and Analyze Data of Measured Alignment/Agreement Decisions/Plan based on Data gaps overlaps 16
Database of Coverage Action through PLCs Pedagogy, assessment and related issues in future 17
PLC Plan 18