Learning Objective: Identify the perfect verb tenses in a text. CC Standard: L.5.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
What are we Identifying today? The perfect verb tense in a text. CFU: Call on non volunteer
Activating Prior Knowledge With your partner, share what verb would you use to describe the picture?
Present Perfect Verb Tense The present perfect verb tense expresses an action that happened at an indefinite* time in the past or that began in the past and continues in the present. This tense is formed by using has or have with the past participle of a verb. Most past participles end in -ed. Example: 1. The researchers have traveled to many countries. 2. My mom has seen that movie before. Signal Words: Had + past tense verb = Past Perfect *indefinite – lasting for a long time
Past Perfect Verb Tense The past perfect verb tense expresses an action that took place in the past before another action or event in the past. This tense is formed by using had with the past participle of the verb. Example: 1. By the time we arrived, the movie had ended. Signal Words: Has or have + past tense verb = Present Perfect
Future Perfect Verb Tense The future perfect verb tense expresses an action that will occur in the future before some other action or event. This tense is formed by using will have with the past participle of the verb. Example: By the time the play opens, the actors will have practiced for several months. Signal Words: Will + have + past tense verb = Future Perfect
How do we identify perfect verbs? Signal Words: Had + past tense verb = Past Perfect Has or have + past tense verb = Present Perfect Will + have + past tense verb = Future Perfect Step 1: Read the text You may make a poster Step 3: Ask yourself, is the verb in past, present or future tense? Step 2: Identify signal/clue words and verb.
How do we identify perfect verbs? Step 1: Read the text. Step 2: Identify signal/clue words and verb. Step 3: Ask yourself, is the verb in past, present or future tense? Signal Words: Had + past tense verb = Past Perfect Has or have + past tense verb = Present Perfect Will + have + past tense verb = Future Perfect The students have finished their popcorn before the movie started . The baseball game had started after the rain stopped. We have been waiting for more than three hours for the bus. The musicians will have practiced by the time the concert opens. Present tense Past tense Skill development Review each step of identifying text structures and apply steps present tense Future tense
The Importance of Knowing Perfect Verb Tenses Understanding how to use it in writing to make it more interesting. To be able to explain the past, present or future verb tense in a text. Read the importance and have students offer other reasons: call on volunteers
Closure What did we identify today? What type of perfect verb tenses did we identify today? Closure