Web Team Web Team :- Web team is a group of persons responsible for development of web site. Roles and Responsibilities A web team consists of following types of members (or following types of roles) Core team (C) :- - responsible for actual design of the web site - They define modules of web site, set deadline for each module, assign developer to module, and monitor progress of the module. -They define technical requirements of the module.
e.g. Project manager/producer Technical lead Web production specialists Creative lead Designer etc.
Extended Team (E) :- - Members whose skills might not always be necessary or who might have cross-functional roles. -An example of this might be a network engineer who is also a security expert. e.g Account Manager Programmer Network Engineer etc. Special team (S) :- - Members who are specialists in specific work like audio engineering, security, or database architecture. -Special members of this web team might be core or extended members of yours, depending on what kinds of sites your company tends to produce. e.g. Security expert Audio engineer 3-D modeler etc.
Common Team Composition - Allocating team members based on web projects For example
Type of projectsTeam Composition Interactive/MarketingAccount manager, project manager, creative lead, designer, copywriter, technical lead, lingo programmer, web production specialist, production artist, quality assurance lead Data-intensiveProject manager, technical lead, creative lead/designer, information architect, database administrator, database programmer, server-side developer, web production specialist, quality assurance lead, testers
Putting Together the Right Team The “right team” is the team that will fulfill your web site objectives most sucessfully. Identifying necessary skills When putting together your team, make sure that following skills are covered: Project Management skills :- Make sure the site gets built according to specification, on time, and on budget.
Putting Together the Right Team Information design/architecture skills :- The ability to design a useful user interface. Graphic design skills:- The ability to transform the information design into a visual design. Graphic production skills:- The ability to create web graphics that are fast-loaded.
Putting Together the Right Team Content development skills:- The ability to develop both written and interactive content for web sites. Programming Skills:- The ability to create web pages using HTML, Java Script, and other client/server scripting languages.
Putting Together the Right Team Technical/Network infrastructure skills:- The ability to understand requirements of web site and recommend best strategy. Assessing skills Watch team members for their work, Go through rigorous interview process
Putting Together the Right Team Building a Team Finding the right people is a difficult task, but an even more challenging task is matching team members both to the task and to each other. There really isn’t any golden rule for doing this.
Putting Together the Right Team Building a Team To make a good choice, it is important to think about several things: Is there a critical deadline for the task? If so, choose the person with better tack record for meeting deadlines. What risks do I take if I put this person on this task? If you know that one person is more prone to mistakes, then you can assign him or her tasks with lower risks.
Putting Together the Right Team Building a Team How does this person interact with rest of the team? If either person has a history of not getting along with one of your team members, then you can decide whether to take the risk of having to manage interpersonal problems as well as project- oriented issues.
Managing The Team Multiple Projects One of the more challenging aspects of web project management is managing human resources—from different departments or different teams, on one project or over several projects.
Managing The Team Leverage the central web team’s skills - You are faced with parallel web development efforts and limited resources, including your own time and expertise. - Extend core team’s expertise across the multiple projects. - Being able to leverage your core team, the people who can manage different aspects of the web effort, such as design, content development and coding, will simplify the effort needed to manage multiple projects.
Managing The Team Develop a Fast Production Method - It is important to develop processes that each team members follows. It increases efficiency of people and save time. - It is a “mass production” mentality;but, as we know, that’s where you make money and ensure consistency. -You need to know what’s happening at every step so that you can pull resources between projects at noncritical times.