KAHLIANNE JONES PD2 APRIL 8 TH, 2010 Health Care Reform, Medicare, and Medicaid
Health Care Reform: why do we need it? 46 million Americans have no insurance 25 million more are underinsured Employers have stopped offering insurance to employees US spends 52% more than any other nation
Health Care Reform: the bill A government-sponsored health insurance program Purchase insurance through state-based exchanges separate exchanges for small businesses Largest middle class tax cut 95% of Americans will be insured
Health Care Reform : the bill Illegal immigrants not allowed health insurance Cut government overspending Rein in waste, fraud and abuse Commonsense road rules keep premiums down
Health Care Reform: the bill Everyone must purchase health insurance Or face a $695 annual fine No denial because of pre-existing conditions Employers must provide health insurance If more than 50 employees Individuals have to pay for abortion
Health Care Reform: the bill No Republicans voted for the bill 34 Democrats voted against the measure Estimated cost of reform $940 billion Estimated reduction in deficit $143 billion
Health Care Reform: How will we pay for it? Medicare Payroll tax on investment income Insurance companies pay 40% excise tax highend insurance plans worth over $27, % tax on investment income For families making more than $250,000 a year
Health Care Reform: Democratic view Health care more affordable Faster greater competition in insurance company Guarantee of quality
Health Care Reform: Republican View Plan too costly Will make health insurance more expensive Lower quality of health care
Medicare Federal health insurance program Began in 1965 Not free Beneficiaries share cost of health care
Medicare Only covers services when medically nesescary People who qualify: 65 and older People with disabilities People with ESRD