PoetryPoetry Terms and Examples
Poetry The art or work of a poet A piece of literature written in meter or verse
Figurative Language Conveys a meaning beyond the literal meaning Figuratively: figure out what it means I’ve got your back. You’re a doll.
Form The way a poem’s lines and words are arranged on the page is its form.
Lines & Stanzas Poems are written in lines, which can vary in length. The poet chooses the line length to fit the rhythm, feeling, or thought expressed in the poem. Lines are grouped together in stanzas. Stanzas are sections of the poem separated by a space.
Repetition Sounds, words, phrases, or lines that are stated or used more than once in a poem. –Example: Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the King's horses and all the King's men Couldn't put Humpty together again
Tone The tone of a poem is the poet’s attitude towards his or her subject. –The tone might be serious, sad, humorous, or angry. You can identify the tone by paying attention to the images in a poem and to the poet’s word choice.
Rhyme Repetition of sounds at the end of words. Example:
Idiom An expression that means something different from what it says. It is not meant to be taken seriously. Idioms are culturally based. Ex:
Alliteration The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words. –Example: Nancy never learned new nouns.
Metaphor A comparison of two things with a common quality, but it does not use the words like or as. –Example: She is a clown.
Simile A comparison of two things with a common quality. Use the words like or as –Example: He is as dumb as a dog. –Example: She is skinny like a twig.
Theme The meaning, moral, or message about life or human nature. Example: The theme of Rainbow Fish would be that material possessions don’t make you happy.
Hyperbole Obvious exaggeration used to emphasize a point or add excitement and humor to a story. Ex:
Pun A phrase that uses words in a way that gives them a funny effect; homophone errors (words sound same, different meaning); a play on words. Ex:
Imagery Words and phrases that appeal to the five senses. Create a picture in the reader’s mind.
Oxymoron A two-or three-word phrase that contains opposite words or ideas. Ex:
Onomatopeia Words that imitate the sound they are naming: –Example: Hiss! Kerackk! Buzz
Personification When a poet gives animals, plants, or nonliving things personal traits or humans attributes. –Example: The tea cups in Beauty and the Beast are examples of personification.
Symbolism A person, place, an object, or an action that stands for something beyond itself. –Example: Prison would be a symbol for confinement.
Speaker The speaker is the voice that talks to the reader in a poem like a narrator in a story; not necessarily the poet.
Voice The distinctive style or manner of expression Can reveal much about the author’s or narrator’s personality