State of the Emergency Georgia is at risk for manmade and natural disasters: Severe thunderstorms, tornadoes & flooding Tropical storms & hurricanes Winter ice storms Threat of terroristic attacks & pandemics
Are Georgians Ready? When surveyed: 80% of Georgians responded that they are not fully prepared to survive independently for 72 hours Only 52% of Georgians know they should be prepared for 72 hours Approximately 1/3 don’t have extra food & water
Get Ready Georgia Ready Georgia launched January 2008: Promotes emergency preparedness statewide Targets individuals, families and businesses Localizes and builds on national Ready campaign Goal: Generate action to ensure more Georgians can survive for 72 hours on their own following disaster
Successful Messaging Campaign awareness increased 110% since 2009 People who are aware of Ready Georgia are twice as likely to be prepared for a large-scale emergency
Ready Georgia Educates & empowers Georgians to prepare for & respond to emergencies with three simple steps:
Be Informed Be informed about potential threats to your area & how to respond Georgia is susceptible to nearly every type of disaster Know your disaster risks & insurance policies Monitor news & listen to NOAA warnings
Make a Plan Develop a communications plan Customized plans with meeting places & contact information can be made by creating a Ready profile online or via the Ready Georgia mobile app Include elderly loved ones in plan & have out-of-town contacts Plan for pets as well
Build a Kit Create a Ready kit of emergency supplies Customized lists can be made by creating a Ready profile online or via the mobile app Items are easily accessible & affordable
There’s an App for That
Family Preparedness Families should plan together so that children know what to do Consider special needs of all family members, including pets ReadyKids: games & videosto help children understand Parent & Teacher Toolkit: Lesson plans and group activities
Business Preparedness Pandemics, Floods, Terrorist Attacks Customizable “Ready Your Business” guide available online Business Continuity video & presentation
Communications Campaign Georgia-specific Web site Online toolkit for use by local organizations Broadcast PSAs and advertising Public relations and media outreach Public and private partnerships The Home Depot EMAs
Engaging through Social Media Facebook Twitter YouTube
Time to Take Action You are your family’s first line of defense Everyone should be ready, it’s easy and affordable Take action: Be informed, M ake a plan, Build a kit A solution: