August 17, 2015 TAG Faculty Meeting Expectations and Logistics
A look back…
TAG Directions and Priorities -Stems from our conversations last Spring. -Will serve as a guidepost as we design the TAG five- year plan -Has already impacted some aspects of what we do: application process, electives
TAG Classroom Practices
How do these connect to TEI Feedback – Observations and feedback will center around these four “big rocks.” Goal-Setting/PDP – You will pinpoint one of these “big rocks” that you want to focus on this year. When we meet, we will turn this into your PDP. Content Team Focus – Content teams will pick one focus this year that fits in one of these “big rocks” to work on throughout the year
Upcoming Events Provided 1 – 2pm Thurs
August 17, 2015 TAG Faculty Meeting Logistics
Afternoon Agenda I.Content Team Share-outs1:00 – 1:40- Content Teams II.1-to-1 Laptop Updates1:40 – 1:50- Mackey/Martin III.TREK Updates1:50 – 2:00- Math/CS IV.Counseling Program2:00 – 2:30- Counselors V.Break (sign up for PTSA dates)2:30 – 2:45 VI.Logistics2:45 – 3:15-Mackey I.TAG Master Calendar and Resources II.Admin Periods and Required Duties III.Staff Handbook Highlights VII.Finance Training3:15 – 3:45- Mendez
1-to-1 Laptop Updates Goal: Laptops ready to be distributed two weeks into school Current Plan: Parent Meetings with SEM over the first two weeks of school Currently working through insurance. Maintenance Plan: Loaners kept in the computer lab. When a student computer goes down, they can trade it in to be reformatted and use loaner for the day. Our Immediate Goals: -Decide on a Course Management System (Join the CMS Exploration Team!) -Collect and disseminate list of classroom tools (via content teams) -Train staff on any particular CMS or tools
TREK Updates Theme: Computer Science & Math Dates: September 23 – 25 Days: Wednesday – Friday Location: The Southern Cross Ranch
Counseling Program Counselors: Helaine Marberry and Kay Langat -Counseling Program -Calendar -Guidance -Topics -Schedule -Small Groups -Naviance -Referrals Testing -Master Scheduling Updates
Break 15 minute break All faculty is required to serve as the faculty representative to one PTSA meeting each year. Please sign up for whichever date you would like on the chart paper in the back of the room.
TAG Staff Resources Website:
TAG Calendar
Admin Periods and Required Duties (1)Be a class sponsor -Be present for class meetings -Attend the two class social events (2)Actively coach a competitive club - Host regular practices (3)Be involved with 2+ activities/committees (4)Attend both Application Sessions (Jan 30 and Feb 6) (5)Write at least 6 recommendation letters (Junior/Senior teachers and club sponsors) (6)Assist in the planning or execution of school needs as they arise (TAG-IT, TREK, Application Scoring, etc.)
Staff Handbook Highlights Attendance
Staff Handbook Highlights Student Tardies We have a computer system that, if students are tardy, they type in their name and it prints a pass for them and logs the tardy. Please make sure students have this pass!
Staff Handbook Highlights Grades / Feedback The purpose of grades are to reflect mastery of content and help provide feedback to students. The purpose of grades is not to get a grade. Grades must be updated in GradeSpeed at least bi-weekly in a representative fashion. District High School Grading Policy (EIA-Local):
Staff Handbook Highlights Field Trips ALL PAPERWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED ON TIME!! Timeline for Submitting to Our Division In-district – 15 school days Out of county – 15 school days Out of Texas – 45 school days Division 4 Policy: Late paperwork = no field trip Fall Field Trip Deadline: October 9 Spring Field Trip Deadline: February 19
Staff Handbook Highlights Field Trips -Planning Days -Once per six weeks, TAG will hire a substitute to cover your class for the day. -This time can be used to observe fellow teachers, or plan lessons and calendars (Not for grading) -Must be requested at least a week in advance via to Mackey -Rooms and Reservations: -You rooms are always liable to be used on the weekends/afterschool. -Mackey will do his best to minimize that amount of times that rooms are used. -Reimbursements: -You must have permission BEFORE you purchase anything if you wish to be reimbursed. - Ms. Mendez your request. If we can reimburse, she will check with Mackey and then get back to you.
Notes for the Week Ahead - Hallway “Garage Sale”