What is Common Core? why now? Click here
2 1.Read as much non fiction as fiction 2.Learn about the world by reading 3.Read more challenging material closely 4.Discuss reading using evidence 5.Write non-fiction using evidence 6.Increase academic vocabulary New York State United Teachers (NYSUT)
3 More clearly defined set of shared goals and expectations. Teachers and schools will continue to devise curriculum Tailored instruction to the individual needs of the students Local stakeholders will continue to make curriculum decisions. COMMON CORE IS NOT THE CURRICULUM New York State United Teachers (NYSUT)
4 Provide knowledge and skills needed to succeed in college and work Provide stakeholders with clear, focused standards Set consistent expectations, regardless of a student’s ZIP code Provide knowledge and the application of subject area Build upon current state standards and standards of top-performing nations Based on real-world application Are evidence- and research-based with guidance on topics New York State United Teachers (NYSUT)
“The four years between 97’ and 02’ the amount of new information produced in the world was equal to the total amount of information developed over the entire previous history of the world.” (Darling-Hammond et al. 2008) (2012) “25 years ago,95% of job required low skills. Today low-skill jobs make up about 10% of the entire US economy “ (Culkins, Ehrenworth, Lehman 2012)
Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) (College Readiness) 2001 (63.1%) 2011 (82.0%) Trick question- Is this a good thing? 6 Prairie State Achievement Test. (PSAE) A chievement of grade 11 students in reading, mathematics, science, and writing. 2001 (55.8%) 2011 (50.5%)
The recommended time spent on literary texts to informational texts. Elementary level is 50/50 Middle level is 45/55 High school level is 30/70. An emphasis on reading, writing and speaking based on evidence. 7
The Common Core State Standards provide a clear, consistent academic benchmarks with “fewer, clearer and higher” academic standards. Illinois developed these standards in cooperation with 47other states The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) adopted new academic standards for K-12. ISBE’s primary focus is to prepare students for improved success at the collegiate level To better prepare post secondary learners for the workforce in a competitive global economy. The state’s previous standards were adopted in (16 year ago)
10 CUSD3 began to review CCSS in ELA & Mathematics Major curriculum focus: ELA/Literacy MATH of 50 States
Any change in education must be designed and implemented with consideration to students lives and performances foremost, while reducing negative effects when possible. Change needs to be CLEARLY communicated. Change needs to be a COLLABORATIVE effort. Changes need to DEVELOPED IN STAGES. Change needs to be MONITORED and modified to best support our particular district, building, subject and/or learner.
12 Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history. ~Joan Wallach Scott
e_8.13.pdf Pathways to the Common Core, Accelerating Achievement
References Continued… Pathways to the Common Core, Accelerating Achievement Rhodes, Jean E.; Camic, Paul M.; Milburn, Michael. Journal of Community Psychology, v37 n6 p Aug Helterbran, Valeri R.. Education, v131 n2 p Win 2010 Price, Heather E.. Educational Administration Quarterly, v48 n1 p39-85 Feb (EJ954633)