Session 1: The way to Greatness Year 2010: I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything.
1 Summary Session 2: I fear Nothing. And I believe in myself for everything. Session 3: I will never give this world a chance to point a finger at my character. Session 4: I will be noble-hearted, and also able-minded. Session 6: My relationships are my responsibility. So, I will take You – turns. Session 5: I am a Masterpiece, and I am proud of I. I deserve the BEST. I want to make it very very big in LIFE. I want to be a LEGEND. I want to be GREAT. Session 7: I will settle for nothing but the best, because I deserve the best. Session 1: Enthusiastic about anything and Excellence in everything.
2 Session 2: “I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything.” The Power of One The metaphor of chess To live is to live fearlessly Believe in yourself Right and Wrong ways to feel like a hero Key Takeaways. S2 I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything.
3 Session 2: The Power of One. Power of ONE. –In the way he walked this planet, millions attained freedom and the world has never been the same again - Mahatma Gandhi. That’s the power of man. That’s the power of one man. And, that power is sleeping inside each one of you. You can change your life, and in turn change the world. You can lift yourself, and in turn lift the world. You don’t have to be one IN the crowd. You can be the one ABOVE the crowd. S2 I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything.
4 Session 2: The Metaphor of Chess. William Shakespeare said - –Some are born great (King on the chessboard. No capabilities), –Some achieve greatness (Pawn), and –Some have greatness thrust upon them (The queen, the pair of bishops). Pawn is just a pawn in the beginning. It appears so insignificant. Yet, it is just a few squares away from achieving greatness. S2 I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything.
5 Session 2: To live is to live fearlessly. One quality to be developed during adolescence is to become fearless. You have to conquer fear. In fact, to live is to live fearlessly. Fear stops man. Nothing stops man as fear does. Fear is a major self-hurdle. You won’t speak in public because you fear facing people. Fear of facing public will hinder your leadership possibilities, as there is no leadership without communication. Suggestions to overcome fear: –Repeatedly flirt with fear. –Never do a thing that you think you will have to hide from your parents or teachers. –Have the courage to be honest. –Have the courage to say ‘Sorry’. S2 I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything.
6 Session 2: Believe in Yourself. It is equally important that you believe in yourself for everything. It does not matter whether your parents / teachers / friends, believe in you or not… What matters is, Y-G-B - You Got to Believe in yourself. Being blind didn't stop Stevie Wonder from winning the Grammy. Being short didn't affect Sachin Tendulkar from being legendary cricketer. In spite of poor eye sight, Abinav Bindra won the Olympic gold. Dhirubhai Ambani started with 15,000 Rupees and N R Narayana Murthy with 10,000 Rupees. Yet today, Reliance and Infosys are world famous organizations. How? The message from the life of all these world movers is that they practiced the Y-G-B mantra - they believed in themselves. Let the mantra be “I fear nothing. And, I believe in myself for everything” S2 I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything.
7 Session 2: Right and Wrong ways to feel like a hero. You build your self-belief by getting the direction of your intelligence right. You can either use your intelligence to choose the wrong ways to feel like a hero OR You can direct your intelligence to choose the right ways to feel like a hero. S2 I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything.
8 Session 2: Key Takeaways. You don’t have to be one IN the crowd. You can be the one ABOVE the crowd. Direct your intelligence on positive ways. Respect everybody. Fear nobody. Avoid fear – it grows. Face fear – it goes. When there is nothing to avoid and nothing to hide, there is nothing to fear. Have the courage to be honest. Have the courage to say ‘sorry’. To live is to live fearlessly. YGB – Even if no one believes in you, You Got to Believe in yourself. The mantra is “I fear nothing. I believe in myself for everything.” S2 I fear nothing. And I believe in myself for everything.