IPRTA FORUM Mexico 08 Panel 1: Emerging challenges, opportunities and recent developments for IPRTA to developing countries Valentín Mir Director International Affairs European Patent Office Mexico, July 2008
2 IPRTA Forum 2008 Mexico, July 2008 The pressure on Europe's IPRTA providers Rising increase in patent application filings worldwide (and consequently in the examination backlogs). Increasing complexity in the examination of patents. New "uses" of patents. The proper functioning of the patent system is challenged. Trend to financially self sustained IP institutes. Increase in the requests for technical assistance. Need to optimise resources.
3 IPRTA Forum 2008 Mexico, July 2008 Challenges for IP institutes in developing countries Strong IP component in development and trade. Lack of critical mass in examination needs and resources to cope with the increasing complexity of patent applications. New services required (advice on IP policy, support to private inventors and SMEs, innovation promotion, IP awareness, etc.). Coordination among the different governmental bodies dealing with IP issues.
4 IPRTA Forum 2008 Mexico, July 2008 Opportunities for developing countries Development / Use of available regional structures. Link trade agreements to IPRTA. South/North - South co-operation.
5 IPRTA Forum 2008 Mexico, July 2008 The objective of the IPR 2 project is to improve the effectiveness of IPR enforcement in China through the provision of Technical Assistance to Chinese legislative, judicial, administrative and enforcement agencies and institutions, in order to support China's smooth integration into the World Trading System and to contribute to its transition into a market economy. Total Project Costs16,275,000 EUR EC contribution10,850,000 EUR Chinese Contribution 5,425,000 EUR The executing authority and implementing agency is the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. The EPO provides technical assistance and administers the EU funding. EU China IPR 2 programme
6 IPRTA Forum 2008 Mexico, July 2008 IPR 2 Project Components I.Legal Framework II.Capacity Building III.Access to Information IV.Civil Procedures V. Criminal Procedures VI.Administrative Procedures VII.Support to Rights Holders The project has a strong focus on coordinating with the Chinese agencies dealing with IP (29) and in providing technical assistance to the agencies in the provinces.
Thank you for your attention Valentín Mir