Degraded Image Project Presented By Amanda Greene
Degraded Image Project I took This picture with a 35mm Camera. (A) Price Lake
I scanned this picture onto a friends computer (B). I sent the picture to my account and then downloaded it on to my computer (C). Degraded Image Project
I downloaded the picture onto Macromedia Fireworks…. I then sharpened the image, added alien skin splat on the edges, and used a selected transmission curve to let in more red hues (D). Degraded Image Project
I Printed out the picture on my Inkjet printer (E). After I printed out the picture, I took a digital picture of the printout (F). Degraded Image Project
I took my digital camera and recorded footage of my 35mm picture from the video (G). Then, I attached my camera to my VHS player and recorded my footage on to a VHS tape (H). Then I took a picture of the TV screen and scanned it onto my computer.
After all that was done I put the picture in the washing machine (I). Then I dried it (J)!! The End!!!!! Degraded Image Project