Media Ethics
Morals vs. Ethics Morals - a religious or philosophical code of behavior Morals - a religious or philosophical code of behavior Ethics - rational way to decide what is good or bad for the individual or society Ethics - rational way to decide what is good or bad for the individual or society
Two approaches Creator's process of creating the product Creator's process of creating the product The product itself should be judged The product itself should be judged
Golden Mean Try to achieve the “good” Try to achieve the “good” Ultimate good is happiness Ultimate good is happiness Achieve happiness by finding a balance between extremes Achieve happiness by finding a balance between extremes To behave ethically To behave ethically Know what you’re doing Know what you’re doing Do it with a moral reason Do it with a moral reason Act out of good character – be a good guy, not a bad Act out of good character – be a good guy, not a bad
Immanuel Kant
Categorical Imperative What if what you do becomes a universal law of nature? What if what you do becomes a universal law of nature? Action is more important than outcome Action is more important than outcome
John Stuart Mill
Principle of Utility The greatest good for the greatest number The greatest good for the greatest number The challenge is determining just what is the greatest good for the greatest number The challenge is determining just what is the greatest good for the greatest number
John Rawls
Veil of Ignorance That which is just is also that which is fair That which is just is also that which is fair Don’t consider the status of the people involved Don’t consider the status of the people involved Don’t consider where you personal fall in the social system Don’t consider where you personal fall in the social system Don’t ask “How does this affect me?” Don’t ask “How does this affect me?”
Sissela Bok
3-step model 1. Consult your conscience 1. Consult your conscience 2. Seek alternatives 2. Seek alternatives 3. Imagine yourself in other people’s shoes 3. Imagine yourself in other people’s shoes
Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics 1. seek truth and report it 1. seek truth and report it
Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics 1. seek truth and report it 1. seek truth and report it 2. Minimize harm 2. Minimize harm
Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics 1. seek truth and report it 1. seek truth and report it 2. Minimize harm 2. Minimize harm 3. act independently 3. act independently
Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics 1. seek truth and report it 1. seek truth and report it 2. Minimize harm 2. Minimize harm 3. act independently 3. act independently Be accountable and transparent Be accountable and transparent
Sensationalism and Ethics Sensationalism is telling stories that are generally unimportant but the audience is interested in Sensationalism is telling stories that are generally unimportant but the audience is interested in Celebrities Celebrities Jerks Jerks Stories that are lurid and emotional Stories that are lurid and emotional
Tabloid laundering Mainstream media retelling tabloid stories Mainstream media retelling tabloid stories Often to decry them Often to decry them Ethical problem solved by not reporting the stories themselves, but reporting on the reporting of the stories Ethical problem solved by not reporting the stories themselves, but reporting on the reporting of the stories
Why sensationalism? Competition Competition The rise in so many sources of news, from TV and cable news to the internet, requires pandering to the audience The rise in so many sources of news, from TV and cable news to the internet, requires pandering to the audience The Internet The Internet Quickened the pace of rumors and stories getting “out there” Quickened the pace of rumors and stories getting “out there”
Problems with Sensationalism Does it lower “hard” news to the level of mere entertainment Does it lower “hard” news to the level of mere entertainment Displaces the news about things that people should be concerned about Displaces the news about things that people should be concerned about Appeals to people’s basest feelings and instincts Appeals to people’s basest feelings and instincts
Photography Pictures are not like words Pictures are not like words Which, if any, pictures or videos to use Which, if any, pictures or videos to use Photo manipulation Photo manipulation