Responding to Love in Love Human Acts & the Virtuous Life
Happiness "Our Hearts are Restless Until They Rest in You" From the Confessions Saint Augustine of Hippo God alone constitutes man’s happiness. Summa Theologiae Part II/1, Question 2. On what constitutes human happiness Article 7. Whether some good of the soul constitutes man’s happiness?
Happiness & Goodness Why are you so good? Morality of Obligation Morality of Happiness What are the motivations for being good?
Evaluating Actions Determining Good or Bad “Bonum ex integra causa, malum ex quocumque defectu," -- " A thing to be good must be wholly so; it is vitiated by any defect.“ or “An action is good when good in every respect; it is wrong when wrong is any respect.”
Three Fonts of Human Act 1.Object (Act Itself) 2.End (Motivation | Intention) 3.Circumstances
Motive: « THE WHY » "the path to Hell is paved with good intentions." Intentions: Give Actions Meaning Morality of Obligation Morality of Happiness What are the motivations for being good? Character? Effect: (In)Transitive
The Range of Roots of Morality Absence of Ethics The Criminal “I KILLED HIM AND I DON’T CARE” The Delinquent “I DON’T CARE ABOUT THAT” “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN.” Duty Ethics (Absolutism) Normative Relativism Descriptive Relativism Individual Relativism Accepted Practices Utilitarianism Most Pleasure Greater Net Happiness Based On : Consequences Outcomes Kantian – Duty Truth Justice Rights Divine Law Natural Law Aristotle Honor Character Habituation Stoicism Rule Based Moral Theories Character Based Relativism Consequentialism Virtue
To live the “right” kind of life… How ought I to act? (question of action) What kind of person ought I to be? (question of character)