EPICUREAN ETHICS The basis of Epicurean Ethics according to his creator, is that pleasure is the highest good which equals happiness. His theory states that everything we do is with the purpose of gaining pleasure for ourselves. Kind of a psychological hedonism. “...But the Epicureans did spend a great deal of energy trying to make plausible the contention that all activity, even apparently self-sacrificing activity or activity done solely for the sake of virtue or what is noble, is in fact directed toward obtaining pleasure for oneself.”1 1: quote from www.archaeonia.com/philosophy/epicureanims/ethics.htm
PLEASURE PAIN Intrinsically evil Intrinsically good TYPES OF PLEASURE: For epicurus there are static pleasures and moving pleasures. Moving refers to the fullfiling of your needs according to your senses. Static, refers to the pleasure that you feel after you fulfill your needs.
“...Epicurus insists that courage, moderation, and the other virtues are needed in order to attain happiness. However, the virtues for Epicurus are all purely instrumental goods--that is, they are valuable solely for the sake of the happiness that they can bring oneself, not for their own sake.” 2 However there are two important values which create a balance between the selfishness of the theory itself and the idea that he promotes about being generous and just in the next aspects.