Ethical Beliefs
Idealism Our morals are based on insight not an impulse Sympathy is an emotional impulse Insight is a true account of our duty to others – This required us to realize our Future Self and discipline ourselves for long-term perspective – The realization of neighbor calls us to duty to attend to them as real people and as we would treat our future self
Cultural Relativism Your culture sets the standards The way people are trained is the way they will act Ethics has no value without culture Ethics derives from basic impulses and the need to survive There is a need to be Tolerant of other cultures/beliefs
Universal Morality Four levels of moral discourse: 1. Immediate response (emotional) 2. Moral—rules of conduct/reaction 3. Ethical—principles behind the rules (why) 4. meta-ethical—beyond, analysis of meanings or terms, metaphysical or religious meaning Ethical principles are implicit in all people “The Golden Rule” is universal
The Objective Basis of Morality Resentment is a universal point of view – Hurt, want things to be different, bad luck – I’ve been wronged – It doesn’t depend on your own experiences, if you see someone being wronged, you resent it – It applies to anyone (anyone can be wronged) – A moral contract is created to prevent resentment for yourself and others
Religious Morality God created the world and gets to make the rules Moral life leads to salvation, reward, heaven, etc It is a social contract to avoid punishment (natural and social) God gave us rational minds to make moral decisions
More on Religious Morality 3 Claims between Religion and Morality: 1.Religion supplies motive (reward, punishment, love of God or others) 2.Moral understanding come from God 3.Interpretation of religious teachings causes questions about which is correct
Humanism Morality Humans have all the intellect and understanding to have moral, ethical lives – Love, care, kindness, gentleness are human nature not gifts from God – Morality is the basis for God? – Religion can actually get in the way of morals
Empiricism Theory of Knowledge—our quest for truth All knowledge comes from experience (senses) All truth must come from a previous impression or experience Our senses dictate our morals and our psyche gives us our behavior Pleasure and pain are indicators of our moral compass Ethics don’t really exist, only behavior exists Ethics is just part of our psychology
Utilitarianism Pleasure/pain principle Morality=happiness Morality is an equation of pleasures minus pains. If pleasure beats pain, it is morally acceptable. (Ethical naturalism) A private ethic b/c only you know what is pleasurable to you. Consequentialism—the consequence is what matters
Categorical Imperative Duty to self and others Will to act in a way that your actions conform to moral law (thou shalt) Rules are necessary and give us a sense of obligation or duty Your own intrinsic worth (self-respect) is most important Rules are always to be followed—it is our duty to obey
Lack of Ethical Values Chaos—everyone does as they please with no concern for how their actions will effect those around them or themselves Chance Ethics—all things are based on chance and people have no control over what happens other than the choices a person makes which are somewhat inconsequential