Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
What is pink eye? Redness and swelling of the conjunctiva A bacterial or viral infection Can be very contagious Last 7 to 10 days without medical treatment Not really dangerous
Caused by: Infections Allergies Chemicals, fumes, or smoke Foreign object in eye
Symptoms Eye RednessSwollen eyes TearingItching/burning Drainage from eye (crust) Sensitive to light May seen pasted shut from crust Does not affect vision
How to treat pink eye: Bacterial Antibiotics – eye drops or ointment (for younger children) Viral Does not respond to medical treatments Over the counter medicine can be use to relieve symptoms
School Preventions Children can not go to school unless: – 1) 24 hours after taking antibiotic (bacteria) – 2) wait 5 days (viral) Wash hands all the time! Do not touch eyes with hands Wipe down toys Catch it early! If found while in your class: must be sent home immediately!
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