GCSE Introduction Evening Thursday 8 th October 2015 Ysgol Gymunedol Cefn Hengoed Community School
Programme for the evening Welcome/Croeso Mrs S Hollister - Headteacher The Year Ahead Mr D McGinley – – Key Stage 4 School Manager / Examinations Officer The Changing Face of Education Mr C Bale – Deputy Headteacher Academic Core Subject Information Mr B King – Acting Head of Mathematics Ms E Wright – Head of English Mrs C Burton – Head of Science Careers Advice Miss Debbie Warlow – Careers Wales West Adviser UCAS Applications Mr D McGinley – Key Stage 4 School Manager / Examinations Officer Close Mrs H Cooper - Deputy Headteacher Pastoral
If there is anything you do not understand or any question that has not been addressed, PLEASE ASK. If you or your parents have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the examinations please contact: Key Stage 4 School Manager / Examinations Officer – Mr D McGinley (in C7) Examinations Administrator – Mrs. C Jones (main office) Key Stage 4 Pastoral Support Officer – Mrs A Richards (in C7) The school telephone number is: GOOD LUCK!
Revision Sessions Nearly every department will be offering revision/catchup sessions outside of normal lesson times. Some sessions will take place every week; some will be by appointment with teacher. There will also be Revision Sessions during half terms and the Easter Holidays – please ask your teachers and check the school website for details. Regular Lunchtime Sessions pm – 2.00pm Monday BTEC MusicEngineering Resistant Materials Geography Tuesday BTEC MusicEngineering Resistant Materials Wednesday BTEC Music Child Development Engineering Resistant Materials Thursday BTEC MusicArtEngineering Resistant Materials History Friday BTEC MusicEngineering Resistant Materials Regular After School Sessions MondayICT3pm – 4pm TuesdayScience3pm – 4pm WednesdayMathematics3pm – 4pmArt3pm – 5pm ThursdayEnglish3pm – 4pm Friday Resistant Materials3pm – 3.45pm Engineering3pm – 3.45pm
Key Dates College Open Days CollegeCampusDateTime Neath Port Talbot AfanWednesday 21 st October 20155pm – 8pm NeathThursday 22 nd October 20155pm – 8pm LlandarcyThursday 3 rd March 20165pm – 8pm Gower College Gorseinon Monday 9 th November pm – 7.30pm Monday 18 th January pm – 7.30pm Monday 7 th March pm – 7.30pm Tycoch Tuesday 17 th November pm – 7.30pm Thursday 14 th January pm – 7.30pm Tuesday 15 th March pm – 7.30pm Llwyn Y BrynMonday 7 th December pm – 7.30pm Tuesday 27 th October (half term) 10am - 1pm Mathematics Holiday Revision Sets 2,3,4. Controlled Assessments - throughout the year Mock Exam Timetable released - 4th November 2015 Mock Exam Session - 23 rd November - 4 th December 2015 Gower College Taster Day - 15 th December 2015 Year 11 Parents Evening - 28 th January 2016 UCAS Application Deadline - 26 th February 2016 ( GCSE Revision Cheese & Wine Evening - 22 nd March 2016 GCSE Written Papers - 13 th May – 16th June 2016 GCSE Results Day - 25 th August 2016 from 9.00am
Q.If I miss the examination can I take it on another day? No. Timetables are regulated by the exam boards and you must attend on the given date and time. Parents and candidates are reminded that the school will require payment of entry fees (around £ £60.00 per subject, depending on the board) should a candidate fail to attend an examination without good reason and without informing the school. Failure to pay may result in your examination results being withheld. Please note that misreading the timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation of absence. This is the Examination Board’s rule and is out of school’s jurisdiction. Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why can’t I bring my mobile telephone into the exam room? Being in possession of a mobile ‘phone (or any other electronic communication device, e.g. iPod, headphones) is regarded as cheating and is subject to severe penalty from the awarding bodies: The minimum penalties are as follows: Device found on you and turned ON - disqualification for the entire subject award. Device found on you and turned OFF – disqualification from the specific paper you are sitting at the time. Phone rings during the exam - wherever it is in the room the exam board must be informed and you will be disqualified from all papers for the subject (including any already taken) Mobile Phones If there is an emergency that requires that you bring a mobile telephone to school, you must switch it off and leave it in a named envelope which will be collected at the start of the examination and stored at the front of the exam room during the examination. You are responsible for collecting it at the end of the examination. IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO THIS, IT IS LEFT AT YOUR OWN RISK.
JCQ Official Notices
Provisional GCSE Examinations Timetable PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS AUTUMN WRITTEN PAPERS DateSubjectStart Time March / April 2016 GCSE Art & Design Controlled Test ~ 10 hours Tbc ~ see Art Teacher for details Morning Start 9.00am DateAfternoon Start 1.00pm ExamDurationExamDuration Mathematics - Paper 1 Foundation Higher 1 ¾ hours 2 hours Wednesday 4 th November Mathematics - Paper 2 Foundation Higher 1 ¾ hours 2 hours Tuesday 10 th November
JANUARY WRITTEN PAPERS Please note this timetable is correct at the time of printing but students must consult their individual timetables nearer to the time of the exams to check that no changes or additions have been made. English Literature Unit 1 2 hours Wednesday 6 th January Science A - Biology OCR Cambridge National –Creative iMedia 1 hour 1 hr 15 mins Thursday 7 th January English Language Unit 1 1 ¾ hrs Friday 8 th January English Language Unit 2 1 ¾ hrs Tuesday 12 th January Science A Chemistry (Yr10) 1 hour Science A - Physics1 hour Thursday 14 th January Morning Start 9.00am DateAfternoon Start 1.00pm ExamDurationExamDuration
SUMMER WRITTEN PAPERS Please note this timetable is correct at the time of printing but students must consult their individual timetables nearer to the time of the exams to check that no changes or additions have been made.