Document that sets out the laws and principles of a government
What is the main part of the Legislative Branch?
What are the 3 branches of government?
Legislative, Judicial and Executive
Branch of government which makes the laws
Legislative branch
Document that lists freedoms the government promises to protect
bill of rights
What was our first Constitution called?
Articles of Confederation
Who is the main person in the Executive Branch?
Who had the most power under the Articles of Confederation?
The Articles of Confederation formed a __?___ alliance of states.
The Articles of Confederation formed a loose alliance of states.
What was the main problem of the Articles of Confederation?
Congress was too weak
Power of the Supreme Court to decide whether laws passed by Congress are Constitutional
Judicial review
What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention?
Revise the Articles of Confederation
What is the main group in the Judicial Branch?
Supreme Court
In what year did the Constitutional Convention take place?
What is the job of the Judicial Branch?
Make sure the laws are constitutional.
The __?__ Compromise called for a bicameral legislature and 3 branches of government.
What was the compromise regarding slavery at the Constitutional Convention?
3/5ths Compromise
What were the people who supported the Constitution called?
What do we call the leader of the House of Representatives?
Speaker of the House
What was the name of the group against the Constitution?
Formal written change (to the Constitution)
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay were part of which group during the ratification debate?
What group wanted a bill of rights added to the Constitution?
Patrick Henry was a leader of which group during the ratification debate?
System of government in which voters elect representatives to make laws for them
Representative government
How long do Supreme Court justices serve for?
What did the Bill of Rights protect?
Individual rights
Where is the principle of popular sovereignty found?
The Preamble
What does popular sovereignty mean?
The power of the government comes from the people.
What is the job of the Legislative Branch?
Make the laws
Branch of government which carries out the laws
Executive branch
Settlement in which each side gives up some of its demands in order to reach an agreement
System is which the power of the government is divided among separate branches
Separation of powers
Division of power between the states and national government
System set up by the constitution in which each branch of the federal government has the power to control the actions of the other branches
Checks and balances
What allows Congress to increase its power in times of emergency?
The elastic clause
What are similarities each state had with their government during the Revolution?
1. Constitutions 2. Bill of rights 3. Elected legislature
Overrule. Congress can override a President’s veto if two thirds of both houses vote to do so.
Bring formal charges against an elected official
Right of every citizen to the same fair rules in all cases brought to trial
Due process
Not permitted by the Constitution
Example set for later people to follow
Congress is a bicameral or two house legislature. What two houses make up Congress?
Senate and the House of Representatives.
Proposed law
What word means to bring an elected official to trial?
What is the head of the Supreme Court called?
Chief Justice
Who fought on the British side in the War of He was able to get lots of Native Americans to help fight the Americans.
Who was the American General who won a great victory at New Orleans & Horseshoe Bend?
What were the MAIN causes of the war of 1812?
impressment of American sailors by the British War Hawks
What do we call people from the South and West who wanted the War of 1812?
What were the results of the War of 1812?
Nothing…..things returned to what they were before the war began. *Called the Wasted War
What were 3 precedents set by George Washington?
What region of the country favored protective tariffs?
North - it protected their factories
What was the name for the statement Washington made which warned the U.S. to not take sides in the war between France and Britain?
Neutrality Proclamation
Why was the Louisiana Purchase necessary?
Who was President when we did the Louisiana Purchase?
What did the Louisiana Purchase do to the size of the U.S.?
What country did we purchase Louisiana from?
What year did we purchase Louisiana?
Who were the 2 people sent to explore Louisiana?
Who led the Democratic Republicans (Republicans)?
What political party was Pro British, Pro National Bank, had a loose interpetation of the “C” and were wealthy & well educated?
What political party was for strong state governments, strict interpretation of the“C”, for the common people and Pro French?
What do we call a tax on foreign goods brought into a country?
protect What is a tax placed on imported goods to protect factories from foreign competition?
What term means to cancel?
What word means taking men from a ship or village and forcing them to serve in the navy?
What word means pride or devotion in one’s country or nation?
What was the age of prosperity when Monroe was President called?
Era of Good Feelings
Who was the spokesperson for the South in the first half of the 1800’s?
John C. Calhoun
Who was the spokesperson for the North in the first half of the 1800’s?
Daniel Webster
Who was the spokesperson for the West in the first half of the 1800’s?
Henry Clay
What statement told Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere? (watchdog policy)
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
What word means that all people are equal? (this favored common people)
Who were the 2 most democratic presidents at this time?
Jefferson and Jackson (remember DJ – democratic Jackson and democratic Jefferson)
Who was the famous Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the first half of the 1800’s?
John Marshall
What principle of the Constitution says that the Supreme Court can declare acts of Congress illegal?
Judicial review
What court case established judicial review?
Marbury vs. Madison (1803)
Who was the guide for Lewis and Clark?
Who was the leading War Hawk?
Henry Clay
Who was the President during the War of 1812?
James Madison
What was the name of the battle which was fought after the war was over?
New Orleans
Who became president as a result of the ”corrupt bargain?”
John Quincy Adams
What canal linked Buffalo (and the Great Lakes) to Albany (and New York City)?
Erie Canal
In what year was the Erie Canal built?
What do we call traders from New England?
Yankee Traders
What was the name of the political party led by Jefferson? It favored the common people.
Democratic- Republicans (commonly referred to as the Republicans)
What was the name for the party of the common people when Jackson was President?
What was the political party called which favored the rich and business people?
What was the name for the change in the ways goods were made and produced?
Industrial Revolution
What were some of the changes during the Industrial Revolution?
1. Cities grew 2. Machines replaced hand tools 3. New sources of power
What invention made growing cotton profitable, changing the way of life of the South?
Cotton gin
Who invented the cotton gin in 1793?
Eli Whitney
Who brought the ideas for factories from Britain?
Samuel Slater
What is the name given to machine made parts that were exactly alike?
Interchangeable parts
Who came up with the idea of interchangeable parts, allowing assembly lines to revolutionize factories?
Eli Whitney
What are channels dug by men and filled with water called?
During Jackson’s Presidency the former Federalists became known as the...
Whigs (these were previously called the Federalists) FeW
What was Jackson’s political party?
Democrat (these were people who would have belonged to the original Republican Party) ReD
What do we call it when supporters are rewarded with government jobs?
Spoils system
What do we call the advisors that Jackson actually listened to?
Kitchen cabinet
After the Bank War Jackson put government money into banks owned by his friends called
Pet banks
Congress passed a high protective tariff in What did the South call this tariff?
The tariff of Abominations.
Calhoun said that states could declare a federal law illegal. What is this called?
Calhoun believed that states had the power to limit the power of the national government. What is this called?
States’ rights
What did South Carolina threaten to do in the nullification crisis?
Secede or withdraw from the United States
What tribe used legal means to keep their land?
Did the Supreme Court led by John Marshall support the Cherokee? (1828)
What act forced Native Americans to move West of the Mississippi?
Indian Removal Act (1830)
What was it called when the Cherokees were forced to move west at gunpoint?
Trail of Tears
What Native American War took place in Florida between 1835 and 1842?
Seminole War
What do we call the idea that the United States should stretch from sea to shining sea?
Manifest Destiny
What was the name of the area that both Britain and the United States controlled in the first half of the 1800’s?
Oregon (Oregon Country)
What was the name of the missionaries who went to Oregon to convert Native Americans to Christianity?
Narcissa and Marcus Whitman
What was the name of the battle the people of Texas lost that became a rallying cry for the Texans.
The Alamo
How did Texas become a state?
It was annexed or added on.
Who won the election of 1844 on the slogan of “Fifty-four forty or fight!”
James K. Polk
How was Oregon acquired?
By an agreement with Britain.
What were prospectors who moved to California during the gold rush called?
What was the name of the religious group who moved to Utah from upstate New York?
What immigrant group came to work on the transcontinental railroad and ended up staying in California?
What culture group was found in all lands gained by the United States during Manifest Destiny?
Native Americans
Does the North or South Have more industry?
Does the North or South Have more slaves?
Is the population of the North or South more spread out?
Does the North or South Have more abolitionists?
Does the North or South have a more agricultural economy?
Does the North or South Have more railroads?
Does the North or South have more immigrants settling in its cities?
Does the North or South have a greater population?
What were laws called which were designed to keep slaves under control?
Slave codes
What region of the country was famous for its traders?
Where did Northern factories get their cotton?
Who did the South get manufactured goods from?
The North and Britain.
What was the rich ruling class of the South sometimes known as?
The cottonocracy
What do we call people who worked to correct the problems of society?
What was the slavery reform movement called?
What was the alcohol reform movement called?
Who was the best known African- American abolitionist?
Frederick Douglass
What was the name of Frederick Douglass’s newspaper?
North Star
What was the name of the network of abolitionists who helped slaves escape to freedom?
Underground railroad
What escaped slave woman made 19 trips to help slaves escape on the underground railroad?
Harriet Tubman
Who was the abolitionist who published the Liberator?
William Lloyd Garrison
Who was the women’s rights advocate who later had her picture on a dollar coin?
Susan B. Anthony
What was the name of the convention designed to bring attention to the problems women faced?
Seneca Falls Convention of 1848