How does a Fuzzy Tale relate to my life? by Ms. D.
Warm Fuzzies I feel like I am receiving a Warm Fuzzy when someone compliments me on what I am wearing. Someone might say to me “great get-up (alliteration) you are wearing Ms. D.” Someone might also say that I have wonderful color choice when I wear my jade green necklace with my soft, ivory- colored skirt. (imagery).
But a Cold Prickly??? Gee, Ms. D., (assonance) you sure don’t know how to match light lavender (alliteration) with rich, deep purple. (imagery). Hurtful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven’t gotten enough Warm Fuzzies! When I don’t get enough Warm Fuzzies, I am like a dark night without stars (simile). I am a cloud raining large tear drops of sorrow (metaphor).
If I get lots of Warm Fuzzies! I am like a ray of sunshine when I get a Warm Fuzzy (simile). I am a rainbow of colors when I get a compliment (metaphor).