#1  About 78% of the air is composed of this gas.


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Presentation transcript:

#1  About 78% of the air is composed of this gas.

#2  The atmospheric layer closest to earths surface.

#3  The transfer of heat energy through empty space by light and other electromagnetic waves.

#4  The earth’s early atmosphere was formed primarily from?

#5  Out of every 100 units of radiation that enter the earths atmosphere, how many units are absorbed by the earth?

#6  At which angle of insolation does the earth surface receive the maximum amount of energy? 30, 60, or 90 degrees

#7  Smog is caused primarily by what?

#8  Ozone in the stratosphere is very important for what reason?

#9  Part of the thermosphere that is made of electrically charged particles.

#10  A city and a forest are located in the same region. On a hot summer day which would have cooler temperatures.

#11  Do high latitudes, middle latitudes, or latitudes near the equator receive the most vertical rays from the sun from the sun?

#12  Would the air cool quickest on a clear night, cloudy night, or clear day?

#13  Which layer of the earth’s atmosphere does all the weather occur?

#14  At what time are the rays of the sun strongest ?

#15  The measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules in a substance.

#16  What are the 2 most abundant gases in the earth’s atmosphere?

#17  The freezing point and boiling point of water on the Celsius scale are?

#18  Energy from the sand on the beach is transfered to your feet by what means?

#19  When does a temperature inversion happen? Use warm air and cold air in your answer.

#20  The amount of this gas in the atmosphere varies depending on the humidity.