Old Town Square Eliška Vavřinová C3B
Content 1.Main information 2.Historical events 3.Old Town Hall 4.Prague Astronomical clock 5.Church of St. Nicholas 6.Tyn Church 7.Jan Hus monument 8.Famous houses 9.Sources
Old Town Square
Main information located between Wenceslas Square and the Charles Bridge center of the Old Town the historic core Royal road passes through here National Historic Landmark
Historical events wide marketplace Jan Želivský – executed - Hussite movement 1621 – 27 men - leader of the Czech uprising 1902 – manifestation - general suffrage
Old Town Hall Prague uprising astronomical clock gothic style circular windows pointed arches
Prague astronomical clock the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world medieval astronomical clock (1410) the oldest one still working
Church of St. Nicholas baroque style Kilián Dientzenhofer Czechoslovak Hussite Church frescos, organ
Tyn Church 14th century – 16th century Prague's most important churches architecture and interiors
Jan Hus monument secession bronze monument Ladislav Šaloun (1915) the fiftieth anniversary of Jan Hus burned at the stake
Famous houses House at the Stone BellTyn School
Famous houses Storch house House in Minutes
Sources pamatky/historie-staromestskeho-namesti pamatky/historie-staromestskeho-namesti pamatky/staromestsky-orloj-%E2%80%93- historie pamatky/staromestsky-orloj-%E2%80%93- historie sk%C3%A9_n%C3%A1m%C4%9Bst%C3%AD sk%C3%A9_n%C3%A1m%C4%9Bst%C3%AD