GAUDI Muon Software  Algorithms : Muon Digitization MuonL0Trigger MuonIdentification  Detector Description Database  Transient Detector Store  Detector.


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Presentation transcript:

GAUDI Muon Software  Algorithms : Muon Digitization MuonL0Trigger MuonIdentification  Detector Description Database  Transient Detector Store  Detector Data Converters 24/11/99 Paul Colrain, Miriam Gandelman LHCb SW week Nov 99

The MuonDigitization Algorithm Analysis Design Implementation Results : Comparison with SicB What next ?  Problem Statement  Data Flow Diagram  Problem Solution  Object Diagram  Class Diagram  Sequence Diagram

Problem Statement : Q. What does it do? A. Performs the digitization of the Muon Detector. Same functionality as SICB. Q. What data does it take as input? A. MC hits in the Muon detector (entry, exit, TOF, deposited Energy). Q. What data does it produce? A. Raw hits in the Muon Detector (pad/strip id, time stamp, pointer(s) to MC hits). Q. Are there constraints? A. Yes. 1. GAUDI and 2. The Muon Detector design. ie. The Muon chambers will be of 2, 3 or even 4 different technologies (RPC, DRPC, CPC, WPC, WSC) and have 2 different designs (pads and strips). => at least 2 different digitization implementations => “polymorphism” MuonDigitization : Analysis

Transient Event Data Store Transient Detector Data Store create layer hits perform coincidence logic Job Options file MuonDigitizer MC Hits Raw Hits Algorithm properties database MuonDigitization : Analysis Data Flow Diagram Algorithm properties geometry, response data,... layer hits

layer 1 layer 2 layer 3 layer 4 layer hit 1 chamber containing 4 pad layers : charged particle trajectory 3 of 4 majority logic  raw hit produced charged particle trajectory

MuonDigitization : Analysis Problem Solution (simplified) : Initialization Execution Finalization Delete all Chambers  Construct a list of those Chambers to be digitized LHCb has 5 Muon Stations. Each Station has many Chambers. A Chamber can access its own MCMuonHits event by event. A Chamber has a list of RawMuonHits (initially empty). A Chamber can access its technology, structure, geometry, response, noise, cross-talk…. A Chamber has the ability to digitize() its own MCMuonHits to produce RawMuonHits.  register() RawMuonHits by Station in the Transient Event Store  Inform each Chamber of its MCMuonHits  Iterate over all Chambers in the list  digitize() the MCMuonHits in each Chamber to produce RawMuonHits  add electronic noise hits

MuonDigitization : Design CPC 2 CPC 1 WPC 3 MuonDigitizer Transient Detector Store Muon DetElement Station 1 Station2 Layer 2 Layer 1 LayerHit Object Diagram RawHitSet RawHit Transient Event Store RawHitSet1 RawHit MCHitSet MCHit

GAUDI Private AlgorithmData Algorithm IAlgorithm MuonDigitizer Station digitize() Chamber digitize() CPC digitize() WPC digitize() WSC digitize() Layer digitize() LayerHit RawMuon Hit MCMuon Hit ContainedObject RawMuon HitSet MCMuon HitSet DataObject MuonDet Element Detector Element 5 0..* 1 1..*0..* 1 MuonDigitization : Design Class Diagram

delete retrieveMCHits() retrieveObject() new retrieveObject() delete registerRawHits() digitize() retrieveMCHits() configure() finalize() execute() delete registerObject() digitize() new initialize() MuonDigitizer EventData Service WPCCPCStation DetectorData Service MuonDigitization : Design Sequence Diagram retrieveObject()

SICB v115 GAUDI MuonDigitization : Comparison with SicB Muon Station 5 pad X v Y ?

MuonDigitization : What Next?  Upgrade : use new version of GAUDI  Review of Design and Code by GAUDI team  Include detector response simulation for each technology (Detector Description Database) Muon GAUDI Software : What Next?  MuonL0Trigger : Start Design early next year  MuonIdentification : ?? (Wait for ‘final’ Trigger HW architecture)