The bone of upper limb
the shoulder girdle the bone of free upper limb clavicle scapula humerus radius ulna the bone of hand carpal bones metacarpal bones phalanges
scapula Feature: 2 surfaces, 3 borders and 3 angles Anterior: subscapular fossa Posterior 2 surfaces Acromion spine of scapular supraspinous fossa infraraspinous fossa 3 borders: superior, medial and lateral (coranoid) 3 angles: superior, inferior and lateral Glenoid cavity Supraglenoid tubercles infraglenoid tubercles
Humerus upper end: head of humerus;anatomical neck greater tubercle; lesser tubercle; intertubercle sulcus surgical neck shaft: sulcus for radial nerve; deltoid tuberosity lower end: capitulum; trochlea lateral and medial epicondyle olecranon fossa sulcus for ulnar nerve
Radius: Ulna: head of radius; articular fovea for head of radius neck of radius; articular circumference shaft; radial tuberosity; interosseous boder ulnar notch; carpal articular surface; styoid process of radius trochlear notch; olecranon; coronoid process; radial notch shaft; interosseous boder head of ulna articular circumference; styoid process of ulna
The important and useful term: glenoid cavity anatomical neck surgical neck sulcus for radial nerve sulcus for ulnar nerve