Infrastructure & Operational Maturity And Why You Should Care Kerrie Meyler, MVP meyler/ John Joyner, MVP
Independent Consultant MOM 2000, SMS 2.0 System Center Unleashed series MVP since 2008 Kerrie Meyler
Director, Product Development MVP since 2007 ClearPointe Little Rock, Arkansas, USA John Joyner
Infrastructure & Operational (I&O) Maturity Defined … an organization’s capability to take on new challenges
Life without I&O Maturity – IT Chaos
A Day in the Life of IT Chaos Your personal version of Groundhog Day – the same emergencies keep happeningGroundhog Day The CEO tells you is down Your last vacation was a trip from desktop to desktop installing Office 2013 Someone just updated production at 9 am … surprise! Half your computers won’t upgrade to Windows 10 because they don’t have enough RAM … another surprise All the troubleshooting information is in your head … only Your company wants to outsource IT … no surprise Chaos = just trying to survive
IT Chaos – Fighting Fires
Operational Maturity ModelsOperational Maturity Models
Operational Maturity Models Gartner’s IT Infrastructure and Operations Maturity Model Microsoft’s Infrastructure and Optimization Model ….
Operational MaturityOperational Maturity Gartner’s IT Infrastructure and Operations Maturity Model
The World According to Gartner
Six overall levels of I&O Maturity: Level 0: Survival Level 1: Awareness Level 2: Committed Level 3: Proactive Level 4: Service-Aligned Level 5: Business Partnership Business Management: people, processes, and technology are driven and constrained by the ways in which they are managed
Level 0: Survival Little or no focus on IT infrastructure or operations People: No organizational focus on IT I&O Process: No formal processes for IT I&O Technology: No formal strategy or execution on technical investments Business Management: No formal IT business management functions
Level 1: Awareness Realization that I&O is critical to the business, beginning to take action to gain operational control & visibility People: Defined, technology-centric organization for IT I&O Process: Ad hoc, awareness that processes are necessary, dependency on tools to implement existing processes Technology: Basic management tools; no formal infrastructure hardware or software standards Business Management: Minimal, outside of budgeting
Level 2: Committed Moving to a managed environment People: Technology-centric organization, investment in IT service desk function and staff Process: Defined processes for IT service support and project management Technology: IT support and project-related management tools, desktop HW/SW standards defined, beginning infrastructure standardization/rationalization Business Management: Project management office
Level 3: Proactive Gaining efficiencies and service quality through standardization, policy development, governance structures, and implementing proactive cross-departmental processes such as change and release management People: Process-centric organization, defined governance structure Process: Repeatable and individually automated, focus on IT service delivery-related IT processes Technology: Formal infrastructure standards & domain-centric management tools, virtualization foundation in place Business Management: Financial management, formal KPIs
Level 4: Service-Aligned IT managed as a business – customer- focused, proven, competitive, and trusted IT service provider People: Customer & business-focused, IT service and delivery centric organization, formal governance Process: Integrated, automated and extended beyond I&O, focus on all service & business management processes Technology: Formal IT management process/tools architecture, shared services, aggregated capacity management Business Management: IT service cost metrics, competiveness
Level 5: Business Partnership Trusted partner to the business for increasing the value and competitiveness of business processes, as well as the business as a whole People: Business optimization and entrepreneurial focused culture Process: Dynamic optimization of IT services, implementing processes fostering business innovation Technology: Proactively promoting new technologies and impact to business, real-time infrastructure Business Management: Business contribution metrics
Operational MaturityOperational Maturity Microsoft’s Infrastructure Optimization Model
The World According to Microsoft Four Overall Levels of Optimization: Level 1: Basic Level 2: Standardized Level 3: Rationalized Level 4: Dynamic Identify where you are and where you want to be Use best practices from ITIL to develop a plan
Microsoft’s Infrastructure/Optimization Model Categorizes the state of your IT infrastructure, describing the impacts on cost, security risks, and your ability to respond to changes Describes the techniques & steps to get to a higher level Based on Gartner’s model and provides a simple structure to evaluate the efficiency of core IT services, business productivity, and application platforms
Level 1: Basic Reactionary, with much time spent fighting fires IT infrastructure is hard to control and expensive to manage Manual processes IT policies and standards nonexistent or not enforced Reactive mode Manual methods for applying software deployments and patches Cost Center
Level 2: Standardized Gaining control Using standards and policies to manage hardware clients and servers Service management becomes a recognized concept More Efficient Cost Center
Level 3: Rationalized Enabling the Business Control of desktop and service management costs Processes & policies are in place and starting to play a large role in supporting and expanding the business Proactive security, responding to threats and challenges in a rapid and controlled manner Looking Good
Level 4: Dynamic Becoming a strategic asset Your IT infrastructure is helping run the business efficiently and stay ahead of competitors Costs are fully controlled Integration between users and data, clients and servers, and the different departments and functions throughout your organization IT processes are automated and incorporated into the technology, allowing IT to be aligned and managed according to business needs Trusted Partner
Why You Should CareWhy You Should Care
Why Should You Care Chaos versus IT Nirvana Improved IT services Agility with technology changes Rapid ROI Now you can take a real vacation What is Your Destination?
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