1 Pendragon Productions Using the Web for better Customer (Parents & Students) Service Michael Perry Business Teacher, Chapel Hill High School, Douglas County Adjunct Business Instructor, Kennesaw State University
Why a website... Service Increase service –Centralized information –Students Presentations Assignments Instructions –Parents Consent forms
Why a website... Service Improve communication –Students News/Updates –Parents News/Updates Announcements
Why a website... Service Advance learning –Testing Online Quicker and more accurate results –Class Organization More accurate information Better team building
Service –One place for the student and parent to retrieve data Communication –More informed students and parents Learning –Students are more eager to learn to use technology as a tool for improved learning What are the goals of the website...
The 1 st Website was done in Microsoft Front Page Goal was to provide convenient access to files for students Other ideas were added as needed without a consistent design 1 st Website
Website main page version 1
Old SiteNew Site Improved navigation Increase content Added “eye candy” Targeted specific audience Developed in Macromedia’s Dreamweaver Poor navigation Lacked information content No pizzazz Hard to update Not aimed at target audience What was learned from the 1 st site…
Macromedia Dreamweaver Chose Dreamweaver for site development Program is part of a comprehensive design suite Program is powerful Program is easy to use Industry leader
Others Teachers Students Parents Teachers Others Who is the website targeting…
Create Pages –Main Page Keep in mind what all your sub-pages are going to be –Sub-Pages Create all sub-pages How to organize the site…
Create Links –Navigation Rules Create all sub-pages links Only link up or down 1 level Easy to get back to main page Easy to return to subsequent page Easy to understand where you are How to organize the site…
Create order to pages Follow a hierarchical structure Use same structure for all class pages –Documents –Powerpoints –Assignments Create a way for user to jump around site How to organize the site…
How the site is organized...
Storyboard – A document of sorts that expresses the idea in which something is told, written, or developed. First draft storyboard Review Second draft storyboard Review Development Time Drafting the website…
A storyboard allows you to lay out the design of a visual presentation –Can be used to plan a Website or Power Point or a Video –A helpful tool for the non-programmer to convey the design to the site programmer Storyboard
Storyboard page 1
Storyboard page 2
Storyboard page 3
Consistency – Items must be arranged to keep the user feeling like they have not left the site Logos – Set number of logos used to keep the “branding” of Pendragon Productions Theme – Used to keep audiences attention Easy & Effective Website Site design…
Version 2 was launched in spring of 2001 –More interactive and Better organized Version 3 was launched in Jan –Name was shortened to pdragons.com from pendragon productions.com – addresses were changed to pdragons.com More Dreamweaver features were included –Menu bar provides for better navigation –Scroll bars on post-it notes provides detailed timely info –Calendars provide students with assignments and activities daily, weekly and monthly basis Website Versions 2 and 3
Finished website main page version 3
Grading center –Easy access to grades for all students –Eliminates the waiting for period for grades –Students can see grades and argue discrepancies immediately A teaching/time saving tool…
Testing center –Better teaching aid –Grade posted right away –More accurate grading A teaching/time saving tool…
Finished website main page ver.4 Color scheme changed to a neutral background Blackboard used as graphic for pages New Cleaner menus
Databases (coming fall 2002) –Student & Parent information Helps to track all pertinent data for students Eliminates “mis-keys” when transferring from paper to electronic form Querying capabilities –Eliminates manual searching –More accurate A teaching/time saving tool… Version 4 (Fall 2002)
Accountability through Contact version 4 Teacher accountability through the use of databases for Client Contact Web forms for Parent Contact that create a database record of contact and response –Accurate searching for student contact records
Improve Student Work Submission version 4 Web forms to Submit student work directly to an indicated folder on the server –Work is named according to a preset protocol that identifies the student, assignment and class –Student is thanked by a closing screen for submitting work –Student is ed a confirmation that work was received.
I think that computer web-site is a great thing. The calendar helps me track what is coming due for class. - Pamela G. It is a good way to keep parents and students informed. For me, the most useful aspect is being able to check grades anytime. - Michelle T. Quotes from users…
Edline is a site that works in combination with Jackson Software’s GradeQuick This makes it easy to post grades to a secure site on the internet You can post assignments and other documents created in MS Office Your access to Edline is included with the purchase of GradeQuick Edline.net Edline
Developed by eInstruction, makers of the CPS (Classroom Performance System) Allows you to share information collected with CPS with parents and students CyberClass
CPS by eInstruction Great method for collecting data Motivates students to participate Eliminates test grading chores Provides real-time feedback Sample CPS demo