Ms. Lee’s Fraction Pizza Shop
What is a fraction? It is easy to count these pizza pies! But how do we count only part of a pizza?
A fraction is used for counting a of something. part
You will need… Scissors A pizza pie worksheet A baggie A pencil 1. Cut out the pizza slices. 2. Write your name on the back of each pizza slice. 3. Put your pizza slices in the baggie when we are finished.
Let’s cut our pizza into 2 equal parts!
What if we only had 1 part of the pizza? That is 1 piece out of 2 pieces. 1 12
The fraction looks like this: 1 2 Pizza slice out of Pizza slices
Now, let’s cut our pizza into 4 equal parts!
What if we only had 1 part of the pizza? That is 1 piece out of 4 pieces
What would the fraction look like?
The fraction looks like this: 1 4 Pizza slice out of Pizza slices
What if we had 2 out of 4 pizza slices?
The fraction would be: 2 4 Pizza slices out of Pizza slices
2 4 is half of a pizza. 2 1
Let’s do some more counting with fractions!
How much of the circle is green? 4 1
4 2
4 3
4 4 The circle is green! whole