Friends of eHealth: An Overview Richard Sears, Executive Director
What is Friends of eHealth A public benefit corporation Incorporated in the US state of Oregon Operating under US law as a non-profit corporation – 501(c)(3) under US internal revenue code Governed and regulated for the benefit of the public A legal entity that can receive grant funds directly from foundations and government entities and provide federal income tax deductions to donors 1/10/2016 2
Relationship to Open Health Tools Friends of eHealth is the strategic public-benefit funding partner Establishing a formal process for grant funding of OHT-approved projects Establishing a contractual relationship with OHT as the fiscal agent for the grant funds Serving as a sponsor for OHT projects to funding sources where OHT is legally or financially unable to attract Packaging the OHT projects for a targeted foundation market Packaging OHT G&A expenses for specialized foundations and government agencies 1/10/2016 3
Friends of eHealth Funding Model Open Health Tools common solutions, standards and projects based on self-interest We align investments in Healthcare interoperability technologies that benefit the public and provide a measureable public good Friends of eHealth Open Health Tools Healthcare Entities SDO & SSO Orgs Software Vendors 1/10/2016 4
Advantages to Open Health Tools Increased availability of otherwise restricted funds Access to a wide range of institutional programs and funds Reduction of administrative, financial and legal requirements Project grant money will help spread OHT's overhead expenses and defray OHT indirect costs 1/10/2016 5
Potential Projects for Funding OHT's General & Administrative Expenses OHT HL7 Tooling -- HL7 & NHS OHT Academic Outreach -- Mohawk College Canada OHT PASS – Inpriva OHT Conformance Services -- Canada Health Infoway IHSTDO Terminology Tools Technical Documentation of NEXTj's code donation 1/10/2016 6