ParameterL-bandS-bandX-band Length (m) Aperture 2a (mm) Gradient (Unloaded/Loaded) (MV/m)17/1328/2250/40 Power/structure (MW) Beam Loading Compensation T/ F TT TT Possible Configuration (struct/klyst)4/2 DesignRDS RDDS Rough LINAC parameters Based on NLC study
ParameterCLIC 2007Unit Initial Energy0.01GeV Final Energy0.2GeV RF Frequency1.5GHz Unloaded/Loaded Gradient21/17MV/m Power per structure80MW Linac Length15m No of Klystrons2 Transport Efficiency80 (electrons)% Electron and Positron Pre-Injector-LINAC’s S-band could be used for electrons, positron linac more challenging, solenoids over high gradient structures
ParameterCLIC 2007Unit Initial Energy0.2GeV Final Energy2.424GeV RF Frequency1.5 / 3GHz Unloaded/Loaded Gradient17/13 28/22MV/m Power per structure80-90MW Linac Length170 / 120m No of Klystrons 17 / 13 Transport Efficiency95% Electron and Positron Injector-LINAC Positrons need L-band, electrons can use S-band
ParameterCLIC 2007Unit Energy2.424GeV Initial and Final Bunch Length1.5/0.25mm Initial and Final Energy Spread0.14/0.8% RF Frequency1.5 / 3GHz RF Voltage 422/211MV Linac Length 32/ 12m No of Klystrons2/1 Transport Efficiency100% Bunch Compressor first Stage Choice of Frequency, Beam stability NLC chose L-band for tolerances
ParameterCLIC 2007Unit Initial Energy2.424GeV Final Energy9GeV RF Frequency3 / 12GHz Unloaded/Loaded Gradient28/22 / 50/40MV/m Power per structure~90MW Linac Length350 / 195m No of Klystrons~38 /~83 Transport Efficiency100% Booster LINAC Choice of Frequency, wake fields have to be studied due to the short bunch spacing
ParameterCLIC 2007Unit Energy9GeV Initial and Final Bunch Length0.25/0.044mm Initial and Final Energy Spread0.17/ % RF Frequency12GHz RF Voltage MV Linac Length40-70m No of Klystrons20-35 Transport Efficiency100% Bunch Compressor second Stage Can we optimize the initial energy ?, has to be very flexible therefore we need margin
CLIC injectors local RF gun Unpolarized e - e + DR e + PDR Booster Linac 7 GeV 3 GHz e + BC1 e - BC1 e + BC2 e - BC2 e + Main Linac e - Main Linac 12 GHz, 100 MV/m, 21 km BDS 2.6 km BDS 2.6 km e - DR e - PDR Laser e - /e + Target Pre-injector Linac for e GeV Primary beam Linac for e - 2 GeV 1.5 GHz GeV 12 GHz Laser DC gun Polarized e - Pre-injector Linac for e GeV 1.5 GHz Booster Linac 7 GeV
Central vs Local Injectors Cost, Performance, Reliability, Maintainability, Operability, upgrade scenario Cost: from NLC Injector Total: 610 M$ (CV =120,DR=104, Material=387) 500 m S-band linac: 50 M$ Pre LINAC (old): 120 M$ ~ additional cost for local injectors: M$ Current cost estimate for 30k transfer line: 240 MCHF Performance: long low emittance transport worrisome (current ILC subject), alternative bunch compressor scenarios
CLIC injectors local RF gun Unpolarized e - e + DR e + PDR Booster Linac 7 GeV 3 GHz e + BC2 e - BC2 e + Main Linac e - Main Linac 12 GHz, 100 MV/m, 21 km e - DR e - PDR GeV e + BC1 12 GHz Laser DC gun Polarized e - Pre-injector Linac for e GeV 3 GHz e - BC1 Booster Linac 7 GeV Laser e - /e + Target Pre-injector Linac for e GeV Primary beam Linac for e - 2 GeV 1.5 GHz
Conclusions and Remarks Challenging but not impossible (No show stoppers found) ! Frequency choices due to acceptance, tolerances, stability and cost No detailed overhead for beam loading compensation Beam stability and tolerances have to be studied (wake fields in linacs, NLC did not have big margin, bunch spacing) Pre-damping design needed (we need one for electrons too) Polarized Positrons (how and when) Bunch compressor studies necessary for system optimization and detailed beam parameters Long low emittance transport has to be studied in case of central complex Keep in mind local injectors as an option Should we have also 1.5 GHz for the Drive Beam ? PHIN-gun could be used for testing CLIC injector issues in the future