Vacuum tubes
History The English physicist John Ambrose Fleming was the inventor of the first rectifying tube which was developed in The first amplifying tube was invented by the American electrical engineer Lee De Forest in 1906.
The Eimac 4X150G is a coaxial UHF power tetrode capable of 500MHz CW or 1.5GHz pulsed operation. GU-50 (ГУ-50) Power Pentode was an universal, most common xUSSR power tube from the 50's up to the present days.
This high-powered klystron emits a large radio-frequency signal that can be split into several signals for many accelerator cavities at once.
The 200-watt Ka-band space-qualified traveling- wave tube manufactured by L-3 Communications ETI, Inc. Copyright L-3 Communications Electron Technologies, Inc.; prepared under contract to NASA.
Емилиян Николов