HYPERLIPIDEMIA DEFINATION- The major lipids found in the bloodstream are cholesterol, esters, triglycerides, and phospholipids. An excess plasma concentration of one or more of these compounds is known as hyperlipidemia. There are five types of hyperlipidemia. The type depends on which lipid in the blood is high.
TYPE OF HYPERLIPIDEMIA 1.Hyperlipoproteinemia Type-I 2. Hyperlipoproteinemia Type-II 3. Hyperlipoproteinemia Type-III 4. Hyperlipoproteinemia Type-IV 5. Hyperlipoproteinemia Type-V
CAUSES OF HYPERLIPIDEMIA A family history of hyperlipidemia. A diet high in total fat, saturated fat, or cholesterol Overweight Certain conditions, including: Type 2 Diabetes Hypothyroidism Kidney problems Liver disease
RISK FACTOR OF HYPERLIPIDEMIA Some important risk factors for high cholesterol are: Obesity Eating a diet high in saturated fat and trans fatty acids Not getting enough exercise Diabetes Family history of heart diseases High blood pressure Drinking alcohol Smoking
PREVENTION AND DIAGNOSIS OF HYPERLIPIDEMIA Prevention- Lifestyle modification - Low cholesterol diet. - exercise Diagnosis- by measurment of level of total cholesterol, level of LDL, HDL, and triglyceride in blood sample.
SYMPTOMS OF HYPERLIPIDEMIA Hyperlipidemia usually does not cause symptoms. Very high levels of lipids or triglycerides can cause: Xanthoma Xanthoma Pancreatitis Obstruction of blood vessels in heart and brain If not treated, high lipids can cause: Heart Attack Stroke Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) Atherosclerosis
ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMIC DRUGS CLASSIFICATION:- 1] Statins- Act as a HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor. 2] Fibrates- Stimulate Beta-oxidation of fatty acid. 3] Cholesterol absorption inhibitor- Decreases the absorption of cholesterol. 4] Bile acid sequestering agent- Reduses the reabsorption of bile acid. 5] Nicotinic acid- Decreases lipogenesis.
PLANTS UNDER STUDY Garlic Gum guggul Arjuna Lagenaria siceraria
ALLIUM SATIVUM Synonym- Garlic, Allium, Lahsun. Biological source- Bulbs of the plant Allium sativum Linn. Family -Liliaceae. Part used- Bulb Uses- 1) Carminative, stimulant, expectorant, antibacterial, strong anti-oxidant, condiment. 2) Reduses serum lipid level. Mechanism of action- It act as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor and lowers the cholesterol biosynthesis. Breakdown and excretion of lipid.
COMMIPHORA MUKUL Synonym- Scented Bdellium, Gum guggul. Biological source- Gum-oleo-resin obtained by the stem of plant commiphora mukul. family -Burseraceae. Part used- Gum-oleo-resin by deep incision at stem. Uses and benefits of guggul- 1) Weight loss and fat burning agent. 2) Lowers the elevated serum cholesterol, and triglycerides. Mechanism of action- Z- and E- guggulsterons decreases the hepatic steroids, and thus cholesterol biosynthesis is get inhibit.
TERMINALIA ARJUNA Synonym- Arjuna, White Murdh. Biological source- Dried bark of plant Terminalia arjuna, Family -Combretaceae. Part used- Dried stem bark. Uses- Antihyperlipidemic, cardiotonic, diuretic, gives hypotensive action by vasodilation, Mechanism of action- It inhibit the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase which convert HMG-CoA to mevalonate in cholesterol biosynthesis.
LAGENARIA SICERARIA Synonym- Bottle guard, Lauki, Kadoo, Doodhi Biological source- Fruit of plant Lagenaria siceraria Family -cucurbitaceae. Part used-Fruit, root, leaves and seed oil. Uses- Antioxdant, antihyperlipidemic,analgesic, anti- imflammatory, diuretic. Mechanism of action- Reduces elevated levels of blood cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL & increases decreased HDL.
CONCLUSION Thus from this article we can conclude that, though the modern medicines have gained the reputation in the market still the herbal extract hold the advantage of less adverse effect and simplicity in the formulation. Thus it is convient to use herbal extract to aid therapy and reduce the therapeutic burden caused by the allopathic medication.
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