Central Asia PEOPLE Linked culturally (language, diet, social habits) Common agricultural system Common recent develop history Common education system.


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Presentation transcript:

Central Asia PEOPLE Linked culturally (language, diet, social habits) Common agricultural system Common recent develop history Common education system Integration at local levels that promote national level productivity and resilience, which support transboundary cooperation

Drought ( mm of annual precipitation) in combination with high air temperature (+45 o C) and lack of water resources Soil Salinity (50% in Uzbekistan) Drying of the Aral Sea Transboundary water issue Wheat and cotton are the major agricultural commodities – longer term environmental pollution from high chemical inputs Frost unpredictability (need for varieties with diverse flowering times) Winds pick up 100 millions of tons of dust containing salt toxic chemicals Constraints in Development

Lack of arable lands (0.8 ha/capita in average) Low soil fertility (40% of organic matters is withdrawn every year) Transition from large collective farms to small individual farms Lack of small mechanization Young people moving away from agriculture Poor seed production system (governments support only cotton and wheat) Constraints in Development

Country borders Irrigated Rainfed Agricultural Biodiversity linkPIM

Productivity and resilience through Creating closed water systems with open flows in agricultural biodiversity Grand Challenge Rainfed Irrigated Link CRP DS and AS, CCAFS

Before After Changing the landscape in Kyrgyzstan with water and locally adapted traditional temperate fruit tree varieties; climate unpredictability -- changing patterns of when the rain or frost will come Photo: Paul Quek More than 1.5 million saplings of local varieties or fruit trees produced annually Legal advise to farmers to ensure land tenure rights Water managements for seasonal irrigation of individual trees The wellbeing of farmers growing traditional fruit tree varieties has improved. Many farmers have improved their houses from clay mud to brick ones

StakeholderHow to Engage with a gender lense (in addition to disaggregated data) Male and female farmers Developing male and female motivators at village level NGO and Community based organizations Ensure local level staff are both male and female Extension services (water, agriculture, environment) Developing training to increase gender in extension Irrigation/water managers Identifying women networks that may be interested in promoting water management activities Small scale nurseries (to supply diverse planting materials Targeting both men and woman for training for nursery management Research Institutes Actively ensuring male and female participation in project research activities Education Institutes (primary, secondary, university) Ensuring equity in gender in training opportunities – setting quotas within projects Ministry departments responsible for water management and agriculture Enhancing gender networks through linking women across ministries (e.g., agriculture and the environment)

Integration at local levels that promote national level productivity and resilience, which support transboundary cooperation