Noble gases
1) The noble gases are highlighted - what group are they in?
The noble gases are called noble as they were considered too posh to react with the other elements All the noble gases are very un-reactive
One of the uses of the noble gas helium is to fill balloons. Airships used to be filled with hydrogen (not a noble gas) which is is very reactive. Hydrogen reacts violently with oxygen in the air (burns). Watch the clip of the Hindenburg disaster: h?v=F54rqDh2mWA h?v=F54rqDh2mWA 2) Why is helium used instead of hydrogen in airships now?
Balloons filled with helium float in the air because helium is lighter (less dense) than air 3) Using the graph above: Which other noble gas is less dense than air? 4) How does density change down the group?
Argon gas is used in welding and light bulbs to shield the hot metal and stop it reacting with oxygen in the air 5) Why is argon gas used for this?
All noble gases give out coloured light when electricity is passed through them This is how ‘neon’ lights work Watch this cliphttp:// watch?v=1y0zhWp_4Swhttp:// watch?v=1y0zhWp_4Sw 6) What colour light does neon give off? 7) What colour light does argon give off?
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