Agenda 9:00-10:30am Introductions Background and Meeting ObjectivesBrian Killough, CEOS GEO PresentationOsamu Ochiai, GEO EEA Presentation Tim Haigh, EEA ENEON PresentationJoan Maso, ConnectinGEO BREAK (10:30-10:45) 10:45am-12:30pm GD6 Planning and DiscussionBrian Killough, CEOS GD6 LeadershipOsamu Ochiai, GEO
Non Space-based Observation Coordination Brian Killough NASA, CEOS Systems Engineering Office (current IN-01 Task Lead) GEO Side Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 2015 Mexico City, Mexico
The In-Situ Graveyard ”All those that have attempted to coordinate in-situ in the past”
IN-01 Background IN-01 (Earth Observing Systems) previously included 4 components: IN-01-C1 = Surface Networks (Tim Haigh, EEA) IN-01-C2 = Space Observations (Brian Killough, CEOS) IN-01-C3 = Coordination of Surface and Space (Ruth Nielan, GGOS-JPL) IN-01-C4 = Radio Frequency Protection (Jose Brito, Brazil) (C1) Surface Networks is only part of non space-based observations. Consideration should be given to all non space-based observations, including land, ocean, and airborne observations. (C2) CEOS pushed to reformulate this task in the new GEO workplan. Surface observations and radio frequency protection are not within the scope of CEOS. CEOS is only focused on space. (C3) Coordination of space and non-space observations should be supported by GEO, as they are the high-level group for all Earth observations. There is no specific task in the new GEO workplan. (C4) Radio Frequency Protection is now task GD-09 in the new GEO workplan.
Transition to GD-5 and GD-6 The new GEO workplan separates space and non-space observations into two tasks... GD-05 and GD-06. It is believed this approach will allow the non space-based community to become more organized, focused and achieve greater success while allowing the space community (CEOS) to focus its efforts on the expanding amount of space-based measurements. GD-05 = Space-based Observation Coordination. CEOS has agreed to lead this task. The CEOS Strategic Implementation Team Chair (ESA) will take this role starting in Dr. Stephen Briggs is the CEOS SIT Chair. GD-06 = Non Space-based Observation Coordination. The leadership of this task is TBD and part of the discussion in this side meeting.
Meeting Objectives Gather members of the non space-based community to discuss improved coordination for the future. Review the proposed non space-based task (GD-06) plan and determine if any changes are required. Discuss the “players” in the non space-based observation community and how to best organize and coordinate these groups and their associated databases and datasets. Discuss future leadership of the GD-06 task. Complete a summary report from the side meeting that includes changes to GD-06 and recommendations for the future.
Proposed GD-06 Task Objectives General Promote and coordination of non space-based observations (including both in situ and remote sensing airborne, land and ocean-based systems). Identify gaps, identify data resources, increase data interoperability, advocate for data continuity, promote communication between non space-based and space- based observation groups. GEO to provide overarching coordination with administrative support and promote coordination between space and non space-based observation communities and conduct gap assessments, as needed.
Proposed GD-06 Task Objectives Implementation Improve global coordination of non space-based atmospheric observations (e.g., instrumented aircrafts, drones, balloons), ocean observations (e.g., global high- frequency-radar network to measure coastal surface currents), land surface observations and promote the development of new and enhanced measurements Explore and determine how non space-based coordination frameworks put in place for national, regional (e.g. Copernicus, ConnectinGEO, ENEON, AfriGEOSS) and global (e.g. Eye on Earth) levels benefit GEOSS objectives Explore how citizen science observation initiatives can contribute to filling non space- based observational gaps Improve coordination and facilitate access to non space-based data resources Develop a global database of non space-based activities (i.e., regional and global projects), organized by domain (land, ocean, atmosphere) that includes information on the activities, its measurements and data access. Coordinate increased interoperability among non space-based datasets, between space and non space-based datasets, and develop global and regional datasets supporting the GEO community. Coordinate activities with global observing systems (e.g., Global Geodetic Observing System-GGOS).
9 Thank you!
Roundtable Discussion 90 minutes dedicated to general discussion and planning for the future Topics for consideration are the following... Who are the major organizations, frameworks and networks that coordinate non space-based observations? Do we need a global database of non space- based groups and datasets? Can we improve the knowledge of existing datasets and improve access to those datasets?
Topic #1 Who are the primary “players” in this community? For example, who are the major government and non-government contributors? EEA – European Environment AgencyEU – European Union GEO BON – Biodiversity Observation NetworkGGOS – Global Geodetic Observing System WMO – World Meteorological OrganizationGCOS – Global Climate Observing System GOSIC – Global Observing Systems Information Center (managed by NOAA, includes many sub groups and references to observation networks, such as GCOS, GTOS and GOOS). GOFC-GOLD – Global Observation of Forest Cover and Land Dynamics (many datasets + projects) What are the global coordination frameworks and networks? For example, global groups focused on specific measurements or datasets. ENEON - European Network of Earth Observation Networks ConnectinGEO - Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations WIGOS - Atmosphere – GSN, BSRN, GUAN, GRUAN Ocean – Argo, GLOSS, TAO/TRITON, OceanSITES, CPR, DBCP, GCRMN, EuroGOOS, MOON, BOOS, SOOP, IMOS, PICES, POGO, WAGOOS.... and many more Land - River Discharge (GTN-R), Glaciers (GTN-G), Hydrology (GTN-H), Lake Level/Area (GTN-L), Mountains Network and Permafrost (GTN-P), ISMN (soil moisture)
Topic #2 Would a global database of non space-based groups and datasets be a value to the community? -A similar database exists for CEOS, called the Mission-Instrument-Measurement (MIM) database or EO Handbook. It is updated and sustained annually. -GEO BON has databases called GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) with 15,000+ datasets and OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System), which are non space-based datasets focused in biodiversity species (from Mark Costello). -Creating such a database would be an order of magnitude larger than CEOS, as there is a huge number of datasets, measurements and networks. How might it be organized or sustained? -Domain... Land, Ocean, Atmosphere -Climate Variables... Carbon dioxide, soil moisture, ocean surface temperature, etc. -Coverage... Global, Regional, Local -Who would hold and maintain such a database? GEO or GOSIC? -Can such a database become “mainstream” and sustainable for the future?
Topic #3 How can we enhance the knowledge of existing datasets and improve access to those datasets? -Do we need a single group to manage non space-based observations so that users know where to go for datasets? -Is there an intermediate step that could be taken to improve the situation? -Could one of the current SBA groups (e.g. GEO BON or Climate) prototype a database, similar to the CEOS MIM for the purpose of non space-based observations? Could this be accomplished through the GCI? -GEO, or the pending lead of the GD-06 task, would need to develop a plan for focusing the GCI on non space-based datasets. -The current GEOSS Portal ( is a general registry of datasets. There are not themes or categories focused on space or non-space datasets. Is there a way to make the GCI more focused on non space-based datasets?