Leveraging Open Government Tactics to Drive Innovation Within the Mission of NASA Jenn #opengov.


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Presentation transcript:

Leveraging Open Government Tactics to Drive Innovation Within the Mission of NASA Jenn #opengov

Where do you stand?

Do you think it’s part of your job description and your responsibility to make NASA more open and innovative? 3 1.Definitely—it’s expected of me, part of my job everyday, and I enjoy doing it! 2.Yes—even though it’s not expected of me, I prioritize this in my daily work. 3.Somewhat—it’s not expected of me but I try to do it where I can. 4.No—it’s not part of my job description and I don’t think its my responsibility. Someone else does it. 5.No—It’s not clear to me this is a responsibility of NASAs.

Which of the following “Open Government” activities have you heard of happening at NASA? 4 1.Prizes and challenges 2.Online public dialogues 3.Public private partnerships 4.Data release and visualization

Which of the following “Open Government” activities have you been involved with at NASA? 5 1.Prizes and challenges 2.Online public dialogues 3.Public private partnerships 4.Data release and visualization 5.None 6.All

Why should you care?

7 Technology innovations have made more transformation efforts possible than ever before Clinton Era Reinventing Government Bush Era e-Government 2008-Present Obama Era Open Government The widespread adoption of Web 2.0 technologies has created an unprecedented opportunity for the Government to collaborate inexpensively and easily with citizens. This is known as Gov 2.0.

Prizes and challenges create opportunities for scientific breakthroughs…

9 The Ansari X-Prize supported the development of an entirely new industry…

10 America COMPETES Act Government is better positioned to use prize competitions than ever before…

Public private partnerships open up new ways to achieve your mission…

12 The Department of Education’s i3 program partnered with foundations to increase funding available for grants… Submit ideas Sponsor challenges Visualize grant application information Secondary market for grant applications Matchmaking

Data release and visualization puts federal information at citizen’s fingertips…

14  - Mobile web app to find closest child safety seat inspection station Comprehensive.gov website Simple mobile app Built at: Let the market innovate off your data –Independent citizens are working together to make on another’s lives easier, using apps Make your data relevant –Influence consumer choice, without a significant investment of your own –Visualize your data to make it relevant to an individual’s context/location

15 To the right is a “Transit Score” heat map for San Francisco. To the left is a “Walk Score” heat map for Washington, DC San Francisco Oakland Visualizing Data for the Public: What Others Are Doing …

Citizens are able to interact and co-create with governments online like never before…

17 Iceland crowdsourced it’s constitution this year

So what now?

Do you see applications for these types of co-creation and innovation tactics at NASA? 19 1.Yes 2.No

What do you see as the biggest hurdle to openness and innovation at NASA? 20 1.Speed at which new tools can be approved for use 2.Leadership and management buy-in 3.Perception that these tactics are not related to NASA’s mission 4.Lack of policy or guidance to enable these tactics 5.Perception that innovation is a “waste of money” during a time of lean budgets 6.Other

Which of the following “Open Government” activities would you like to be involved with at NASA? 21 1.Prizes and challenges 2.Online public dialogues 3.Public private partnerships 4.Data release and visualization 5.None 6.All 7.Other