iPlant Discovery Environment An Overview
What is it? The Discovery Environment has been described in many ways… “It’s a virtual workbench…” “It’s where I manage my data…” “It’s where I analyze my data…” “It’s an app store….”
What is it? “iPlant’s flagship web-based system for integrating data and analyses”
How can I use it? Data Applications Analyses
Community (Shared) Data
Data (coming soon)
Processing your data….definitions to keep in mind Tool-installed on condor cluster or via Foundational API. Binary or script. Application- GUI representation created in DE for an installed tool Analysis-act of using the application with data
Ways to customize applications Copy and edit app currently in DE Integrate new interface for existing binary or executable (not your own) Integrate your own command line program
Copy/Edit existing interface Example scenarios An application exists in the DE that I’d like to use, but I use different values or additional parameters for my research I’d like to modify an application to use in a workflow
Integrate a new existing tool Example scenario There is a tool that I use frequently in my research, and I don’t see an interface (application) for it in the iPlant Discovery Environment – CAVEATS: must be command line tool or script that can be called via command line – Integration of a tool that is deployed via Foundation API is separate use case, and separate presentation.
Integrate MY OWN tool Example scenario Research group is working on developing a tool that they find useful and are about to publish. Once published, they would like to make an interface (application) available for wider adoption.
Launching an Analysis View data you wish to use Select App from App Catalog Set parameters/launch job Monitor progress View outputs
Going round trip….
Going round trip……
Going round trip…..
Upcoming Features Searching of applications and data – Development in progress Provenance tracking – Underlying infrastructure changes in progress Enhancements to workflow authoring Tagging of files and applications More usability changes Localized sharing (group or individual)
Questions or Feedback? Nicole Hopkins OR iPlant Forum forum.iplantcollaborative.org
What next? Please navigate to the following URL shortened url for this one /sciplant/DE+Walkthrough+Tutorial+Series