Useful Tips On How To Use Writer, Let’s Get Started!
Why This Website Is Useful! This writing website located at is useful for English teachers, Key Boarding, Spanish, and any class that you would write or keep a journal. Writer is useful for many things your students can get on there and write anything, such as poems, short stories, essays, or maybe even a journal entry. It can easily be done at home, and the student can send it to the teachers . This is an educational website for students to improve on there writing, typing, and website skills.
Writer’s Home Page!
The rectangular box is made for writing a poem, short story, and a story. Here Are A Few Tips To Get Started! Click to begin writing! To start writing you click inside of the white bordered box.
After you are done writing, click “save.” This saves your document.
When you click save, your document should show up under documents. Which is located here. After you have saved your document, it should be saved under “Document.” If you want to delete the document, then you click “delete.” Then the document will no longer show up under documents.
Now That You Got Started, Here Are Some Extra Details To Writer! To check your word count, you click on “word count.” If you would like to see how many words that you have in your writing you click on “word count.” This button shows you how many words you have in your document.
If you wanted to send your document to an or another journal website you click “send it.” If you would like to send the document to your teacher, family, friend, etc. then you click on “send it.”
After you click “send” this will box will show up. This box has options on to where you are sending the document to. It requires one of the choices under “send to” and it requires your username and password. This allows you to share your document with others.
If you would want to download your document you click “download.”
After you click “download” this box will pop up. To save your document on file you click “save.”
After you click “save” you then give your document a name and save your document into any file that you choose.
If you would like to publish your document onto writer, then you click “print.” This does NOT print your document. It just copies it onto it’s own page on writer.
Example of what “print” does!
If you would like to change your font or spacing you would click on “Prefs.” This allows you to change your font color and/or your font style.
This box is for hexadecimal color coding, you Google “hexadecima l color code”, for a variety colors. After that you go and enter the code in this box. Or you could just choose one of these colors by selecting what color you would like. You select one of these options for line spacing. You select one of these options of your choice of font. To save your changes you click on “save.” If you would like to change your username, address or password. You click “Click here.”
To change your username or you click in the boxes, and change them as needed. To change your password you click on this box, after you change everything as needed to. You then click “save.”
If you need help with anything on writer, you simply click on “help”, this gives you a gist of what this writer is all about.
This is just about Writer, if you would like to know about writer you click on “About.”
After you click on “About”, this box pops up. And this is about Writer.
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