CULTURE A system of beliefs, values and assumptions about life that guide behavior and are shared by a group of people. It includes customs, language, and material artifacts. These are transmitted from generation to generation, rarely with explicit instructions
CULTURE Acculturation – cultural modification of an individual, group or people by adapting to or borrowing from another culture AND the process by which a human being acquires the culture of a particular society from infancy. Custom – a usage or practice common to many; long established practice Ethnicity – group of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background Traditions – cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions
LEARNED Culture is learned behavior - you are not born with it Taught how to behave - do’s and don’ts You learn through language - as cultures change and become more complicated, vocabularies expand It is not absolute, not all taught is learned.
GEOGRAPHY WHERE you live shapes What you believe What you do What you make What you speak
CULTURAL CONSTANTS Belief Anything considered true, right and important Language Agreed upon, not universal particular to group Artifacts anything made or used by humans Behavior Dictated by beliefs. How a group is organized and controlled
BELIEFS Beliefs are expressed in Religion: Organized belief systems Values: What is of importance to the group Ethics: What is right and wrong Arts and Esthetic Values :What is pleasing or repulsive.
LANGUAGE Language is an agreed upon system of a praticular group, it is the negotiated expression of thoughts, feelings, etxc Spoken Written Number Systems Symbols and gestures Drama and Literature
LANGUAGE spoken DIALECT – regional variety of language distinguished by features of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation BROGUE – a dialect or regional pronunciation, especially an Irish accent SLANG – an informal nonstandard vocabulary
ARTIFACTS Things made or used by the group Food Clothing and adornment Shelter and structures Technology Transportation
BEHAVIOR Family Government Economics Recreation
FAMILY PATRIARCHY – social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family MATRIARCHY – a family, group, or state governed by a woman (mother) EGALITARIANISM – belief in human equality NUCLEAR FAMILY – a family group consisting of father, mother and children EXTENDED FAMILY – a family that includes near relatives in addition to a nuclear family
GOVERNMENT DEMOCRACY – a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly (REPUBLIC) usually involving periodic free elections MONARCHY – undivided rule or absolute sovereignty by a single person OLIGARCHY – government in which a small group exercises control especially for selfish purposes
ECONOMICS ECONOMY – production, distribution and consumption of goods and services Traditional Based on agriculture, limited trade, subsistence economy, family is basic economic unit Market Based on supply and demand, focuses on consumer goods, little government control – CAPITALISM - an economic system characterized by private ownership, by investments that are determined by private decision and by prices, production and distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market Command : Natural resources, means of production, distribution and prices set by the government –SOCIALISM – economic theory advocating governmental ownership and administration of production and distribution of goods –COMMUNISM – a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed. Mixed Combination of Market and Command ie some government controls but consumer driven