New alternatives for financing a river dredging project (Argentina) Raul S. Escalante – Sebastián García – Martín D. Civeira HIDROVIA SA
The world Argentina
General location
Argentine Waterways 3.000 km
Hidrovía S.A. is a bi-national Company formed by: Jan de Nul NV (from Belgium) Emepa S.A. (from Argentina) With the object of doing: Capital and maintenance dredging Jan De Nul Aids to Navigation system Emepa
Waterway in charge of Hidrovía Santa Fe – Confluencia 640 Km Santa Fe – Ocean 1000 Km
Dredging and AtoN services in Argentina Owner: Argentine Government Concession Expiring: 2021 Risk Contract Incomes: Santa Fe- Ocean: Toll Santa Fe- Confluencia: Argentine Government Financing
Santa Fe – Ocean Waterway 25 ft navigable depth 34 ft navigable depth Year 2011
Santa Fe - Confluencia 10 ft navigable depth Year 2011/ 2012
Vessels Santa Fe – Confluencia 640 Km Santa Fe – Ocean 1000 Km
Tasks performed Capital and maintenance dredging Bathymetric surveys for depth control Aids to Navigation: deployment and maintenance Tide, waves and wind measurements Environmental Management Plan Projects and Studies Department Traffic Control
Total goods movement (international and domestic) in the waterway (SFO) – Year 2010 Total: 111 million tons
Total goods movement (international and domestic) in the waterway (SFN) – Year 2010 (metric tons) Total: 16 million tons
Toll and Subsidy 1995 – 2010 Santa Fe – Ocean
Toll 2010 Santa Fe – Ocean 1,2 $ / Ton
Toll Formula T = TD + TAtoN TD: Dredging toll TAtoN: Aids to Navigation toll
Toll Formula - AtoN TAtoN = tb x NRT NRT: net register tonnage tb: AtoN coefficient ($/ton)
Toll Formula - Dredging TD = td x CF x NRT td: Dredging coefficient ($/ ton) CF: Correction Factor NRT: net register tonnage
Toll Formula - Dredging
Commodities (soybean) price evolution
Port and River Costs River Pilotage Variable Port costs: berth, different vessel and passenger taxes, tug… Fixed Port costs: customs, maritime agency…
Costs Compared Pilotage (round trip Recalada-Rosario) 2,35 HV Toll 1,20 Tugboat 0,79 Port taxes 0,30 Maritime Agent 0,29 Berth and port facilities (per day) 0,10 Commodities (soybeam Chicago) + 515,00
Other Practices Short Dredging Contract Bidding process Time consuming Administrative aspects Siltation after end of contract Possible delays in payment
Other Practices Public Dredging Governments can sometimes be quite efficient, but... Delays Objectives not accomplished More “relaxed” controls
Dredging is an Aid to Navigation
Conclusions Public financing is difficult to maintain through the years Dredging and AtoN works in charge of the Government sometimes are not as efficient as they should Our financing depends only on vessels using the waterway, which reasonable toll fees
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