How to Plan a Physics Camp Billanook College & Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School
Introduction What is Physics Camp??? DVD RO 2+5
History How the camp came to be Two schools Major changes over the years RO 8
Facilities Facilities used –Mini bus –Gliding School Flights, kitchen, rooms –Trekker’s Rest Accommodation –Wangaratta Aero Club Powered flights Link to details PF 2
PF 1 Camp charge –2007$445 –2006$430 –2005$450 –2004$400
Alternative venues Other possible locations Weekend option PFG 5
Risks and insurance Risk assessments School insurance implications CF 5
What I file with the Principal to make sure we’re covered….. Overview and Contact Numbers (includes staffing, student names, accommodation and travel arrangements) Schedule (extracted from student booklet) Copy of letter home to parents, Gliding Club enrolment, Risk Assessments for activities not contracted Copies of each student’s paperwork – filed on return?
Wording used in the ‘letter to parents’….. Information regarding flights and insurance: The glider flight will be conducted in conjunction with the Gliding Club of Victoria at Benalla. The powered flight is conducted by pilots from the Wangaratta Aero Club who will fly to Benalla for the sessions. Note that the girls will not take control of an aircraft at any time but will only have a role as a passenger. By temporarily becoming an Introductory Student Member of the Gliding Club (see attached form) students receive the benefit of the insurance cover held by the Club. It is also compulsory that all licensed pilots have insurance that enables them to carry passengers. Students are also covered by the IGGS ongoing personal and travel insurance policies. Should you require any further information regarding insurance please contact Ms Karen Allaway, Business Manager, IGGS.
Itemised permission granting: I give permission for my daughter to attend the Year 11 Physics Flight Camp. YES/NO I give permission for my daughter to be a passenger in a staff car if needed. YES/NO I give permission for my daughter to go glider flying. YES/NO I give permission for my daughter to go power flying. YES/NO Gliding Club Membership is completed and attached YES/NO A Student Medical Form is completed and attached YES/NO The Student Allergy Management Plan (attached) is needed for my daughter YES/NO The Student Asthma Management Form (attached) is needed for my daughter YES/NO
Camp activities PFG 8
How do aeroplanes fly? (Air Pressure & Bernoulli’s Theorem) Air Flow Bernoulli’s Theorem High / Low Pressure Air Speed
How Do Aeroplanes Fly? (Air Pressure & Bernoulli’s Theorem) Air Flow Turbulence Streamlining Aerofoils
How Do Aeroplanes Fly? (Air Pressure & Bernoulli’s Theorem) Low Pressure Above The Wing Angle Of Attack Unbalanced Forces - Creates Lift High Pressure Below The Wing
Lift & weight forces (Setting A Gliders CG For Balanced Flight) A Modelling Exercise Using: Model Glider Model Pilot & Passengers Electronic Balances x2 Guided Questions
Finding A Glider’s Centre Of Gravity (CG)
Finding a Glider’s CG
Learning about Navigation
Flight Plan (Benalla - Melbourne) Wind Speed / Direction Cloud Types / Quantity Fuel / Load Alternate Airfields Altitudes Radio Frequencies Other Traffic Pre-Flight Checks
Designing Chuck Gliders with ‘Glider Design’
Rocketry - Construction
Rocketry (∑F=ma, F ab = F ba )
Success stories How can you measure success RO/PFG 5
Gliding Club How to book the Gliding Club GC 2
Where to Get More Information Questions PF 5