Plankton Filamentous Stonewort
Plankton algae Microscopic Floating Colors the water when present in large numbers (green, brown, yellow or red) Not flowering Population explosion= ALGAL BLOOM
Cells are arranged in long strands Fur like covering on rocks in streams Floating mat = POND SCUM
Found on the bottom of ponds or lakes with limestone soil Identified by a central stem with whorls of branches, no roots, no flowers Can grow 2 or 3 feet Appearance and odor= MUSKGRASS
Emerging Submerged Floating
Grow in shallow water Most of the stem, leaves and flowers grow above the water’s surface
Grow in deep water Usually rooted in a muddy bottom Only the flower rises above the water’s surface These plants grow entirely below the water’s surface (except the flower)
Have floating leaves and flowers sometimes only slightly on the surface