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The Characteristics of Living Things UNIT 2: WELCOME TO LIFE The Characteristics of Living Things
All Living Things have organization.
All organisms are made from 1 or more cells. Organism= a living thing
Single-celled organisms Organisms made from just 1 cell living and functioning independently. Multicellular organisms Organisms made from 2 or more cells working together to maintain life
Each cell goes through many chemical reactions to keep the organism alive. Synthesis Digestion The Regents calls these chemical reactions “metabolic processes.”
Metabolism- the buildup and breakdown of materials. All living things go through metabolic processes. “Metabolic Activities” = the chemical reactions of life!!!
All living things must respond to their environment. Both internal environment and external environment
Internal = Inside External = Outside
Living things must maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is the balance between a living thing and its environment. Homeostasis = Balance
All living things need a way to reproduce Reproduction continues life as we know it.
Living things need a way to pass on their genetic information, DNA DNA is the instructions for building life.
All Living things grow and develop
All Living things grow and develop All Living things evolve Life has changed over long periods of time.
The 7 Characteristics of Living Things: Living things have organization Living things are made from 1 or more cells Living things go through metabolic activities Living things maintain homeostasis Living things reproduce Living things grow Living things evolve
The 7 Characteristics of Living Things: Living things have organization Living things are made from 1 or more cells Living things go through metabolic activities Living things maintain homeostasis Living things reproduce Living things grow Living things evolve
Define the following terms: Organism Homeostasis Metabolic Processes External Internal Single celled organism Multicellular organism