Community Room Presentations
Introduction Your management team submits a presentation to its CEO and Executive Committee covering the operating and strategic results of the retail bank over the past 6 years. In the report, compare these results to the bank's retail Business Plan. Emphasize objectives and performance explaining how you achieved your objectives and why significant variances (positive and negative) developed. Describe and justify the occurrence and timing of major changes in your management strategy. Report your bank's current condition, team organization and effectiveness and conclude by describing the future outlook of your bank. Emphasize your balanced scorecard and GAAP results.
Purpose This report provides an opportunity to reflect on your activities over the simulated years, to justify your plans and decisions to a critical audience, and to receive constructive feedback from it in the form of probing questions. Take the report and its presentation seriously. CEOs and your other Executive Committee colleagues will scrutinize your report and they will prepare incisive questions, which are pertinent to the overall performance of retail at your bank. 3
Presentation Format Each team will have no more than 15 minutes, consisting of formal presentation of 10 minutes and about 5 minutes for questions from the audience. Your entire team will be in front of the class during the presentationUse PowerPoint to create your presentationsVisually pleasing slides may more effectively.But ensure that the slides are simple and easy to interpret.Use large fonts so that they can be seen in the rear of the room.
Suggested Presentation Sequence 1.CRO/CFO (4 minutes) o Mission and Strategic Planning Objectives o Compare overall performance to objectives o Discuss team dynamics, conflict resolution and skills developed during the simulation 2.Functional Heads – Focus on one strategy or decision per team member (No more than 3 minutes each) o Report and evaluate your overall strategy o What did you expect, what did you get and why? o What did you learn? 3.Leave about 4-5 minutes for questions 4.Total Presentation will be no more than 15 minutes
Next steps 6
Next Steps Go to your team rooms and prepare your presentations for tomorrow When finished complete any unfinished business: Evaluations or Live Case Study answer pagers We meet again at 7:30 am tomorrow in the Community Rooms 7