A Comparative view on Higher Education in Indonesia Supra Wimbarti (Universitas Gadjah Mada) Intan Ahmad (Bandung Institute of Technology)
Indonesia Bandung Yogyakarta http://thebodegablog.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/asean-map.gif
Distribution of Higher Education Institutions 4.486 12.985 2.633 2.266 3.550 5.543 1.685 1.038 4.393 1.035 4.846 3.089 761 2.202 4.393 7.446 3.626 1.713 2.231 2.851 7.596 8.033 9.588 1.531 32.380 10.644 43.021 37.476 3.891 3.452 Legend: 4.496 4.679 3.016 Higher Education Institutions 237.348 Population (1000) Source: pdpt.dikti.go.id, 2011
Distribution of Students 4.486 12.985 2.633 2.266 3.550 5.543 1.685 1.038 4.393 1.035 4.846 3.089 761 2.202 4.393 7.446 3.626 1.713 2.231 2.851 7.596 8.033 9.588 1.531 32.380 10.644 43.021 37.476 3.891 3.452 4.496 4.679 Legend: 237.348 4.273 Students (1000) Population (1000) Source: pdpt.dikti.go.id, 2011
Early Development of Indonesian Higher Education System Started at the turn of the 20th Century, with circa 200 students Development started after independence Education Law 1961 : 23 HE Significant expansion 1970’s 1975: 230,000 students 1985: 1,100,000 students 1995: 2,500,000 students 2001: 3.4 million students 2009: 4.6 million students (GER improve from 2% in 1975 to ~18.3% in 2009) Number of HEI (2011): Public : 88 Private : 3,015 Source:Dikti
Gross Enrollment Rate of Higher Education Components Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 *) 2011 Age 19 - 23 21.190.000 21.184.100 21.174.900 21.171.200 21.170.300 21.184.000 19.844.485 19.858.146 Students 3.868.358 4.285.645 4.375.505 4.501.543 4.657.547 5.226.450 5.363.791 Public 805.479 824.693 978.739 965.970 1.011.721 1.030.403 1.054.438 Private 2.243.760 2.567.879 2.392.417 2.410.276 2.451.451 2.886.641 2.937.726 Special 48.493 51.318 47.253 66.535 92.971 101.245 Islamic 508.545 518.901 506.247 556.763 503.439 571.336 603.619 Open University 262.081 322.854 450.849 521.281 624.401 645.099 666.763 APK (%) 18.26% 20,23% 20,66% 21,26% 22,00% 24,67% 26,34% 27,16% 18.36% 17.75% 16.91% 15.26% *) Population Census, 2010
Real Challenge: Education Attaintment of Indonesian Labor Forces 2001 2006 2010 Elementary or not Completed ES 63.0% 55.5% 51.5% Secondary School 17.7% 20.2% 18.9% High School 10.3% 12.7% 14.6% Vocational High School 5.5% 6.2% 7.8% Diploma I,II,III 1.6% 2.2% 2.7% University 1.8% 3.2% 4.6% Source: Dikti
Providing Large Scale Scholarship for the Poors Aiming at 20% Student Population Body from Q1 and Q2 Source: WB, 2010
The Roles of Higher Education Development based on knowledge & culture Development of Human Capital Dissemination of Knowledge & Culture Application of Science & Technology Research & Development Interaction with Industry & Society Teaching & Learning Publication Source: Dikti
General Framework of HE Development Orientation Internationally competitive research University for National Innovation Orientation: long term National Development Orientation: Current and future Local and regional development skills human resource Research University Teaching University/Polytech Community Colleges R&D & National innovation Competitive human resource Human Resource and regional R&D needs Human resource development at local level University mission is developed to match sustained sector development, local resources, and capacity of the institution DPT, 2011
Grooming Research Universities and Developing Community Colleges Research University Grooming 10-20 Research Universities Teaching University/Polytechnics One Flagship University and Two Polytechnics at each Province Community Colleges One Community College at each District/City DPT, 2011
HEIs in Indonesia Higher education is an extension of secondary education which consists of : 1. Academic education which focuses on the mastery of knowledge (BS, MS, Dr.) and 2. Applied education (Diploma 1-4; S2 and S3 applied) which focuses on preparing the graduates to apply their expertise. 3. Professional education (professional & specialist) which prepares graduates to be professionals (doctors, psychologists, etc).
Indonesian Qualification Framework IQF 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 6 Expert Technician/Analyst Operator S2 S1 S3 General High School (3) S2(Applied) D I D IV/ S1(Applied) D III D II Vocational High School (3) S3(Applied) Specialist Profesional 9 Year Basic Education (6+3) Early Childhood Education (1-2) Carrer Development
Resource sharing Sharing of staff resource: detasering program Distance lecturing/learning Sharing of information: INHERENT: management, education, research through ICT; video tele conference Garuda.dikti.go.id: joint repository of publications Indonesian citation index: joint indexing of articles Sharing of facilities: Shared use of laboratory facilities
Improving Connectivity of Indonesian Higher Education and Research Network (INHERENT)
INHERENT National ICT backbone for Indonesian higher education institutions Improve quality of and access to Indonesian HE Intensive development since 2006, aimed at: ICT for research, education, and univ management Resource sharing of research, education and academic community Innovative ICT application development Improve access and quality of HE Designed as a scale free intra-network End of 2007 bridged to the Global Development Learning Network to become the largest in country GDLN in the world
Internationalization of HE 2000’s: Internationalization of HE Emergence of Bilingual programs Internationalization of curriculum International quality standard Joint programs (institutional partnership/ collaboration) Government scholarships to study abroad University & DGHE programs for internationalization: promote academic collaboration joint program, twinning/double degree program
Providing Large Scale Program for Upgrading Qualification of University Lecturers Country Master/PhD Sandwich Post Doc TOTAL 2008 2009 2010 Sub-total 1 AUSTRALIA 262 222 110 594 148 172 111 431 68 42 1.135 2 MALAYSIA 259 50 35 344 184 186 3 4 534 JEPANG 147 95 69 311 47 157 49 91 559 INGGRIS 120 55 244 40 12 11 63 27 10 37 5 BELANDA 94 36 31 161 76 173 16 17 33 367 6 JERMAN 20 125 32 18 66 23 19 233 7 PERANCIS 14 57 90 114 8 USA 58 135 112 358 81 44 541 9 THAILAND 28 54 TAIWAN 25 30 Other 26 137 82 38 41 335 1104 590 442 2136 782 443 395 1620 284 206 490 4246 Nizam, 2011
Stimulating Research & Community Services Research grants Community Services IPR: support for patent applications Publications: accreditation & improvement of scientific journals Development of national on-line journals Nation-wide e-journal subscribtion Student Activity Programs Entrepreneurship Soft skills development Education for Sustainable Development
Competitive-Based Funding (CBF) Problem: disparity in quality of higher education institutions in Indonesia ( ~ 3000 universities) Improve the Quality through Competitive Based Funding (CBF), started in 1996 Based on the proposal: granting an opportunity to the unit of the university to develop its own plan to improve the quality, implement the plan, and be responsible as well as accountable for that.
Quality Assurance Quality Assurance System External: National Accreditation Board est. in 1997 Compulsory for study program accreditation Institutional accreditationsince 2008 Internal: mandatory Internal Quality Assurance System Indonesia Qualification Framework Entry to HE: past 12 year elementary & high school Dual track system: Academic & Vocational tracks S1 (BA): 4 year (140-150 Sem. Credit units) S2 (MS): 2 year (40-50 Sem. Credit Units) S3 (Dr): 3 year research Diploma I, II, III, IV, Specialists
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